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"You know?" She asked.

"You think Im stunning. Correct me if Im wrong."

"...So you don't really know." She almost flirted.

"Well, I don't want to be wrong." He smiled.

"Lets just say you're right. What would be your reaction?" She asked.

Shinso held back a smile and sat back in his chair to look at her, "well, I'd do this." He took her hand and held it, lifting it to his lips to kiss it. Pria waited for his lips to press against her hand but then he pulled away. "And what if I was wrong? What would you think of me?"

Pria smiled at the little flirtatious play they were having, "I would still think the same way of you."

"And what's that?" He asked.

"I think you already know." She bit her lip. Shinso smiled at her.

"You aren't like the other girls at UA."

"Yeah? Is that good or bad?" She rested her chin in her hand.

"Its a good thing. I mean, most girls don't say exactly what they think of a guy."

"Why not?" She asked.

"Its a girl thing I guess, they like to play with guys feelings sometimes."

"That sounds very unkind to me." She said. "I have no experience in playing with guys feelings."

"That's good. That makes you easier to get to know."

"Good." She nodded, playing with the straw in her drink. "So, what is your quirk?"

Shinso started to fidget and look a little insecure, "promise you won't get scared?" He asked.

"Nothing can scare me." She replied to him.

"My quirk is called, Brainwashing."

Pria looked intrigued more than afraid and listened to him.

"I can make someone do whatever I like when they speak to me." He lowered his head and looked up at her hoping for a positive reaction.

"Have you used it on me?"

"No, of course not."

"How would I know if you did?"

"You wouldn't unless I made you move around."

"Interesting." She grinned. "That's not scary. That's amazing."

"Really?" He lifted his head.

"Yeah, you can practically make a villain turn himself in if you wanted."

"That's what I said to my classmates. A lot of them think that my quirk is villainous but...a quirk is what you make it."

"Exactly." She had an idea pop into her head. "Can you brainwash someone where they cant remember their trauma?" She asked.

"I haven't had that opportunity, my mother can erase memories from people but I don't think Im capable of doing that."

"Would you ever try it?"

Shinso was getting a little suspicious, "Is there something you'd like to tell me Pria?"

"I was just curious." She shrugged.

"You do know I could use it to see if you're lying, right?"

"Did you?"

"No, I wont use it. Not on you." He confessed. "I use my powers for good."

Pria giggled in reply. She liked him alot, she never had a crush on a boy until now. She would always see couples flirting and being romantic in the park, part of her wanted to know what real love felt like.

After dinner, they left and headed back to the dorms, they walked side by side as the pink sunset started to turn a dark blue.

"Do you have any family, Pria?" He asked her.

Pria hesitated before she spoke, "My Mama died a year ago. She was always sick."

"Im so sorry, Pria."

"Thanks. She was my best friend."

"What about your father?"

"I lived with him for a while and then one day he never came home. I never heard from him since."

"He doesn't deserve you. What an asshole. He just left you to fend for yourself?" He looked at her a little irritated at what he had heard. What kind of father walks out on his child? "So you don't have anyone?"

"I have my friends and teachers at UA. Blood don't make you family." She shrugged.

Shinso respected her reply and walked her up to the steps of the dormitories. "What are you doing this weekend?" He asked.

"Probably nothing."

"Maybe we can hang out again. I like talking to you." 

"Me too."

"Goodnight, Pria."


She headed inside and she was met with Momo who looked as if she was worried to tears.

"Momo?" She looked up seeing Pria and hugged her close.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"I was with Shinso, why?"

"Guys shes back!" She shouted to the others who came out to see her standing in front of them. Were they looking for her?

Present Mic and Midnight came into the common area and rushed to hug her, "Where have you been? We were worried sick about you." Mic said in a surprisingly stern voice.

Pria was startled by his tone until he hugged her close, "Im sorry. I was out with a friend. I didn't mean to worry you all."

Mic looked at her in the eyes, "We thought you ran away, All Might told us that you and him spoke for a minute and you left distraught."

"No, Id never run away. Where would I go?" She tried to comfort the people in the room. They all looked relieved that she was safe and back where she belonged.

"Next time, let someone know where you are going so we don't worry." Midnight told her.

All Might came into the common area, "You found her?" He asked them all.

Pria stared at him in sheer panic, "You were looking for me?" She asked.

"Yeah I was. I was concerned for you. Im glad you're okay."

The hatred for him didn't leave her eyes. She just shook her head and left for her room. Everyone looked at her as if she were crazy not to thank him. She didn't look up, she didn't meet their eyes. She just wanted to vanish in that moment.

Mic looked at All Might apologetically.

"Its okay, I know she will have to get used to me." He said quietly so the students couldn't hear.

"Ill go and talk to her."

Blood Doesn't Make You Family Book 4. (Hero Killer Stains daughter.)Where stories live. Discover now