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Pria paced back and forth in the hallway where she was told to wait. Her heart was pounding and she felt her palms sweating. She was too deep in thought, rehearsing what she had in her head over and over, hoping that she didn't forget a word. Mic came up to her, finally tearing himself away from conversing with the financial backers that came in late. He came to her, holding her hands, "How are we doing, Blossom?" He asked.

"I am nervous. There's so many people in there." She worried. "What if I mess up? What if they don't finance this because of me?"

Mic cupped her face and looked at her compassionately, "No matter what happens, I will still be incredibly proud of you." He smiled. She relaxed, her anxiety now subsiding.

"Okay. I'll do my best." She looked at him with her big eyes.

"I know you will." He kissed his daughters cheek. "Breathe, okay?"

Pria took a deep breath to get rid of the rest of her nerves and then turned to the doorway where All Might would call her in. She felt honored that Uncle Might wanted her to do this, he must have known that she was brave enough. She didn't want to let him down by messing up, she respected him too much now.

"...I have had the honor of meeting and mentoring one of the children that this organization want to protect, and let me tell you...she wasn't the biggest fan of me at first." All Might joked. The crowd before him laughed as they intently listened to his presentation. "This girl in particular has endured a tremendous amount of trauma and she has come out the other side still the same gentle spoken and soft hearted person she was when we took her in. Coming out of the place that she was in she still held tight to her own character that I know the whole faculty of U.A. admires takes a lot of strength that she probably didn't know she had."

"Oh, Uncle Might. Don't make me cry." Her eyes welled up in tears.

"I will let you hear her story from her own lips. Please give a warm welcome to Pria." He gestured her to come forth to the platform and she calmly entered the room and stood next to her uncle.

"Hello, everyone." She said quietly.

"How are you, Pria?" He asked her.

"I'm doing better, I was a nervous wreck back there for a minute." She said honestly. The crowd chuckled and responded well to her. All Might leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Take it away, sweetie." All Might went to sit with the other founders of the Children of Peace Program that were seated towards the back of the stage. All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic and Gran Torino sat silently as they waited for her to speak. Pria took a breath and then looked out at all of the eyes staring back at her, "Before I came here to UA High, I was homeless. I lived on the streets and stole food to make sure my stomach was full. Long before that I was in an abusive home where abuse of the cruelest kind was inflicted upon me by my own father..." she looked at the founders behind her and Mic nodded to her to keep going.

"My father was the Hero Killer Stain."

The crowd stirred for a moment, this was the girl who was on the news a few weeks ago, "Yes, I expected that reaction." She replied. "I only know a little of what he did to the people of Tokyo, everything he did out in the world was in secret. It was done away from my young eyes, I knew nothing of what he did besides what he had done to me." She swallowed hard before coming from behind the podium to show the audience her scars. The crowd gasped, horrified of the abuse she endured and they needed no explanation.

"I was abandoned, abused and unloved for too long and when I came to UA I was met with love and care the second I was taken into the doors. I don't know where I would be without the amazing people behind me. The truly care about their students and raise them up to be heroes and even better people." She looked back at them again. "I cannot express how thankful I am for them, how they have protected me and gave me a new opportunity to make my life into something I want it to be. When I think of the other children out there that are going through the same thing I did, my heart is full of passion to help them. Why should I be the only one that gets a second chance?" She stood straight, confident in her words.

"I hope you make the right choice when it comes to supporting this program, every child deserves a chance no matter where they come from." She finished her speech, looking out at the people who looked as if they were thinking over their decision and then applause erupted in the room. She laid a hand upon her chest, shocked at the crowds reaction, "Thank you all for coming today." She gave a wave before leaving the stage. She was met with Tenya Iida standing there, a man in a wheelchair next to him.

"That was an amazing speech, Pria." He gave her shoulder a pat. "This is my brother, Tensei. He wanted to meet you."

She looked at the man who gave her a friendly smile, "It's nice to meet you, Pria. You gave a moving presentation."

"Thank you." She was beyond humbled by meeting the very man who tried to stop her fathers terrible crimes. "I just want to say that I am so-"

"Oh." Tensei put a hand up to keep her from apologizing. "Please, I didn't come here for an apology." He took her hand. "I'm just here to see his child break his own curse."

She covered her mouth to keep from being overcome with emotion, "I'm honored to meet you, Tensei."

"I feel the same meeting you, Pria. I'm proud of you."

Blood Doesn't Make You Family Book 4. (Hero Killer Stains daughter.)Where stories live. Discover now