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Pria woke up in the guest room bed in Mic's house, her head still throbbed as she sat up to look around. Mid night came knocked on her door and the sound resonated in her ears loudly.

"Come in." She said holding her aching head. Midnight opened the door to see Pria still in pain. "How are we doing, sweetie?" She asked.

"My head hurts, I don't feel dizzy anymore."

"That's good to hear." Midnight had brought up a bottle of water and a pain pill to take the edge off. "Take this, it will help you feel better."

Pria didn't protest, she took the pill and swallowed it with a mouth full of water. She sat up at the edge of her bed and readied herself to stand.

"Where's Mic?"

"He's downstairs Djing from his laptop so he wouldn't disturb you while you slept." She told her. "We made dinner tonight, it's grilled rice balls and salmon if you want some."

Pria's mouth watered, "that sounds yummy."

"Okay." She chuckled seeing her face light up at the mention of food. "Let's get you downstairs."  Midnight for the first time, wasn't wearing her usual risqué  hero outfit. She wore a warm, sage green knit sweater and black leggings. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail and she wore glasses upon her face. It was nice to see Midnight so natural, she looked much more approachable and sweet.  She helped her up so she wouldn't wobble around as she walked. "We found the students that attacked you, Pria. They will be expelled."

"No, please." Pria protested. "They don't know what they're doing." She said as Midnight helped her down the steps.

"Pria, they can be a threat to other students too." She explained.

"They attacked me because they were afraid of me, I have to prove to them I'm not a threat. How can I do that if they are kicked out of the school?" Pria replied a little irked. "Plus, there will always be more people like them."

"It's out of my hands, Pri. If you want to talk to Nezu about it then you're welcome to." She said helping her down the rest of the steps.

"Well there's Sleeping Beauty!" Mic said standing from the couch with a big smile on his face. "How are you feeling?"

"Better now that I took that pain pill."

"I'm sure you're famished. Let's get you some food." Mic walked to the kitchen and fixed her a plate while Midnight sat her down on the couch.

"You should start feeling better tomorrow." She reassured her. A knock was heard on the door and Midnight rushed to answer it. "Who would be here at this hour?" She opened the door to see Piper.

"Hey, I heard what happened. Can I see her?" She asked.

"Who is that?" Mic heard the familiar voice. "Is that Pips?"

"Hey Uncle Mic." She called to him from outside the door frame. He rushed over to greet his niece with a big hug, "My Pips has come to visit!" He picked her up by the waist, something he always did since it irritated her so. Her Dad and Mic did it a lot not just to annoy her but also because she was light as a feather.

"Uncle Mic?!" She giggled.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I'm here to see Pria." Piper tossed her arms and looked up at her uncle who was holding her so high up. He put her down and pretended to act offended.

"Oh, I see. You can't see your old Uncle Mic?" He crossed his arms.

"Haha! You're not fooling anyone, you're bad at acting."

Pria giggled at the dynamic that the two had, it was entertaining to see them bicker back and forth. "Now aim bad at acting!" He acted frustrated. "This is why we don't hang out anymore." He exaggeratedly flailed his arm and hit the movie shelf making a few movies fall to the floor.

Piper and Pria just laughed, "And thats why we don't have nice things."

Mic laughed too, "It's good to see you, Pips." He hugged her. "Go ahead and talk to her, she's been asleep all day." Mic said as he went back to the kitchen to fetch Pria her dinner.

"Hey, Pria. How are you?"

"A little bruised but I'm okay. How about you?" She asked.

"I'm doing okay too." She lied. Pria knew she was lying, she just broke up with the man she loved for almost three years. She decided to not say anything and let her sit next to her. Another knock was heard and Mic answered this one, "Well, I see that Pria has gotten popular."

"Is it okay if we see her?" Izuku asked with Shinso and Momo behind him, looking eager to see her. Mic laughed a little and let them inside. "Come in."

"Hey everyone." Pria said excitedly seeing the three approach her. "You didn't have to come all this way to see me."

"Uh, yes we did." Momo said with a chuckle. "We're your friends."

Pria's breath hitched as a wave of sentimental emotion came over her. "You all are so awesome."

"Aww, we love you Pria." Piper said as they all hugged her at once. Pria looked over at Mic who stood back admiring the love that was being showered upon her. "Hey, Mic." She got his attention. "Can they stay for dinner?"

Mic's lips curved into a smile, "of course they can."

The group cheered excitedly but was soon interrupted, "Just be sure to not crowd her or overwhelm her. She still is recovering." He cautioned.

"We'll take good care of her." Shinso told him.

"Okay, come in and get some grub guys. Let's make it a dinner party." Mic loved the fact that his students were so caring and familiar with him. He finally knew what it was like for All Might and Aizawa to father up their class.  He wasn't just a teacher or a mentor now, he was a father.

Once the kids had their food, the settled on the balcony where they ate and talked to each other. Mic let them be for now, he plopped on the couch satisfied and fulfilled. He loved the feeling of a full day of hard work, he taught, hosted on the radio and now was entertaining four kids that all were loving on Pria at the moment. His body ached but he felt more accomplished than anything. The sense of fulfillment outweighed the amount of tiredness and throbbing muscles he felt.

Midnight noticed how at peace he was and cuddled him close, "hey there, Present Mic." She said in a voice that was so soothing to his ears.

"Hey there Nemuri." He turned his head to kiss her on the lips.

"Are you happy?" She asked.

"I am the happiest man alive right now." He said sitting back on the couch with his arm around her. Midnight took the hair tie that was in his hair and gently pulled it out so she could play with his long hair. "I'm happy too."

"I asked Pria if she wanted to live with us." He closed his eyes and a content smile crossed his face as her nails caressed his scalp. "She said yes."

"That's why you're so happy." She giggled. "You're smiling from ear to ear."

"She said she loved me." He looked at her.

Midnights heart melted hearing the news, "what did you say?"

"What do you think I said? I said I loved her back." He laughed as Midnight hugged him excitedly.

"This is what she needs, she needs us." Midnight told him.

"No..." he said in such a relaxed voice. "I think we need her more."

Blood Doesn't Make You Family Book 4. (Hero Killer Stains daughter.)Where stories live. Discover now