As happy as I make him.

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Pria still felt bad that Midnight and Mic payed for her breakfast. Even though they wanted to spoil her, she felt like she didn't deserve it. They finished their food and left the diner to walk around for a little while.

"What would you like to do, Pria?" Mic asked.

For some reason, the question felt alien to her. She was allowed choose? Midnight came walking by her side, "Actually, I have an idea. Want to hear it?" She asked her.

Pria nodded, "what do you have in mind?" She asked curiously.

"The Botanical Gardens. I know you love flowers and plants. What do you think?" She left the option to her. The girl nodded and the three of them headed to their destination.

The walk was long and Pria started to get a little tired. Mic smiled at the girl and stooped down, "Climb on."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, hop up."

The red head jumped on his back and he carried her the rest of the way. Once they got there, Pria couldn't get off of his back sooner, she excitedly ran into the park amazed at the array of colors that dotted the whole park.

The smell of the flowers were intoxicating, the sun played hide and seek between the leaves of every tree and the birds sang a joyous tune.

"Good call, Babe. I've never seen her this happy." Mic told her as they walked down a path next to a beautiful pond. They kept an eye on her as she explored the park. She looked like a child on a playground.

Pria suddenly stopped when she noticed a child picking at the petals of a bleeding hearts flower. She felt sad that the flower wasn't able to grow properly because of someone stunting its growth.

Mic approached her and looked at her forlorn expression. When the child she was observing had finally had enough, he scampered away.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

She said nothing and quickly rushed to the flower and picked up its petals. She felt them in her hands, the petals were so smooth.

Mic watched her, what was she about to do? Golden glittery light emanated from her palms and then she took the petals and made the flower whole again, as if she were putting a puzzle together.

The plant seemed to grab onto the once attached bulbs and gently turned the flower towards the sun.

"Did you just fix that?" He asked, looking at the flower in disbelief.

"Yeah, it wasn't ready to die yet. The child almost killed it."

"That is amazing, Blossom. I've never seen anything like that."

Pria couldn't help but smile, "Thanks."

"I never had the chance to ask, what is the name of your quirk?" Mic asked.

"Mama used to call" She replied, thinking as she spoke.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful quirk."

As the three walked the whole park, Pria found other plants and flowers that fell victim to getting picked or abused. Each time Mic and Midnight witnessed what she could do, the more baffled they became.

She found the best spots for flowers to grow and bloomed some herself to make the park even more pleasing. They all had so much fun, they didn't realize that they spent all day at the gardens.

They had found a steep hill to rest and lay in the grass, each of them laying in the perfectly bright sunlight.

"Thank you for such a fun day." Pria spoke up in the silence as they basked in the sun.

Blood Doesn't Make You Family Book 4. (Hero Killer Stains daughter.)Where stories live. Discover now