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Mic came up the steps to say good night to Pria, he lightly knocked on the door and it creaked open. He peered through the cracked door and his blood ran cold. "Nemura!" He screamed. Midnight was washing dishes when she heard his cry, she dropped the plate that she was washing, sending it crashing to the floor in pieces.

She sprinted up the steps to see what was the matter and she entered Prias room to see that she was no where to be found. Mic looked at her as if his whole world had fallen apart. She frantically searched the room, the bathroom, the closets, she had vanished!

"I don't get it, we saw her go up the steps and go to bed." Midnight told him.

Mic was in silent shock, he couldn't say anything if he tried. Midnight came and embraced him, "we will find her, Hizashi. She couldn't have gotten far."

The police were called and they rushed into the home to look for any evidence. There wasn't any sign of any struggle, meaning that Pria likely knew the person she had been kidnapped by. Aizawa and All Might caught wind of the incident and came to the home to check on their dear friend.

"Hizashi, what happened?" All Might asked him. Mic looked at his friend and shook his head. Midnight approached All Might, "He is still in shock. He hasn't said a word since he found out."

Aizawa looked out the only window that was in the bedroom and looked out at the view, trying to map out how Pria and the kidnapper escaped from so high up. He observed that there were a few rooftops to jump onto to get to the side street below. The person who had taken her would've been young and agile enough to take her away with such a challenging escape route. He turned to look at the rest of them in the room, "Who ever done this was familiar to Pria, we will have to ask the students at UA if they had seen her or anything out of the ordinary. It's highly possible that the kidnapper has a quirk able to disguise themselves as someone else which is probably why Pria was so willing to leave the room."

"That makes sense, Eraser. We will wake the students and question them and run backgrounds on the possible villains who could've done this." The Sheriff replied.

Mic stood irritatedly and left the room, All Might followed him, knowing what he was about to do. He did the same thing when the League of Villains took Eleiri away. He couldn't let Mic leave alone, "Hizashi."

Mic turned to see his friend, "I can't sit here, I have to go find her. She's my responsibility."

"I'll come with you, I know what you're going through. You can't go out there alone." He told Mic truthfully. Mic nodded, he just wanted to leave. He couldn't just stand there while the case of her missing was being built. Someone had to go after her while that was happening.
They walked around the side of the complex and looked at the angle from the street where her window was visible, "whoever took her must have been watching her too. Aizawa probably made that deduction already, no one knew about her but the pro heroes before the secret got out." All Might looked at the window, mapping out how the kidnapping would've unfolded.

Mic paced back and forth, full of anger as he thought about how she was taken, "the balcony is right there, Nemura and I were eating dinner when it happened. We would've seen her." All Might took out his phone and called Aizawa quickly.

"Hello." He picked up.

"Hey, do us a favor and go down to the balcony for a second." He told him.

"Sure, what's going on?" He trotted down the steps, meeting All Mights eyesight as he walked onto the balcony.

"Midnight and Mic were on the balcony when she was kidnapped, I just want to see something."

"What do you need from me, Toshi?" He asked. All Might looked at Mic for a minute.

"What chair were you sitting in?" He asked.

"This is ridiculous, why?" He asked.

"Just tell me, Hizashi."

Mic huffed, unhappy that he was just standing around while Pria was most likely getting terrorized, "The one closest to the railing."

"Okay, Shota. Sit in the chair closest to the railing and tell me if you can see Prias window from there."

Aizawa sat down and then looked in the direction of the window, "You would have to really lean back to see it. The way the complex is designed hides the window. This position is a blind spot."

"I'm guessing it would be the same for Midnights chair right?"

"The one adjacent from mine."

Aizawa sat in the other one and shook his head, "I don't think you can see the window from any of these seats."

Mic noticed the brick pillar that jutted out a little from the building, separating the balcony and the window from being seen from that angle. Mic tried to stay put in order for them to make sense of what had happened but he couldn't take it anymore, he had to go.

When All Might turned to him, Mic was gone. "Hizashi!" He called after him. "Shota." He spoke to Aizawa on the phone, "Hizashi went out on his own to find her."

"Stay put, I'm coming down."

Mic ran through the maze of alleys that were hidden behind his complex, he looked in every one, making sure he didn't miss any nook or cranny where they might have hidden her. His heart was pounding, each beat pumped more fear and anger in him. It fueled his feet to keep moving, his senses incredibly heightened as he ran through the alley ways, listening for any sign of her beautiful voice.

"Hizashi!" He heard Aizawas voice echo from behind him, it only made Mic run faster, he knew what was going to happen. Aizawa stretched his scarf to the panicky silhouette that was Mic. He wrapped the scarf around his friends ankle and he tripped, landing on his stomach. He rolled over in pain and Shota dragged Mic towards him until he locked eyes with him.

"Let me go!" He screamed, trying to get the scarf off of his ankle. Shotas eyes glowed red and his hair stood on end.

"I know you want Pria safe, Hizashi but you have to think critically about this. You cannot go running after her by yourself or you'll become a victim too!" He helped his best friend off the ground.

"She's my daughter, Shota!" He sobbed, clenching his fists. Aizawas hair fell back to his shoulders and his eyes changed to their normal color. He looked at All Might who glanced at both of them understandably. All three of them were fathers now, they had to look out for each-other and their children.

Blood Doesn't Make You Family Book 4. (Hero Killer Stains daughter.)Where stories live. Discover now