I was You.

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Pria shivered in the cold room where they had left her, it was dark and damp and smelled terrible. She didn't understand why they kidnapped her or why the Children of Peace Program was so important to the villains that had captured her. She felt like an idiot for falling for Twice's trick. she should've knows that Shinso wouldn't visit her through her window. Time was up, the happy life that she once had was now gone. She knew somehow that it wouldn't last forever. She tried not to cry, it wasn't the place to cry...she needed to plan her escape and she hoped that Mic and the others were looking for her. 

She left the Monkshood to alert her father of where she was but to also tell him not to go himself. The threat that Dabi made still rang in her ears and she refused to let him come for her, anyone but him...anyone but him. She needed her father to be safe, he had to stay away. 

The door was thrown open and Dabi stepped into the room, "Hello, little Red." He smiled. 

Pria didn't say anything, she just looked at him angrily. She had nothing to say to him, he threatened her Dads life. There was no way that she was going to utter a word to him. Dabi already deduced that she wouldn't speak, so he stooped down to meet her eyes.

"Hey, Red. What do you like to eat?" he asked. 

She just backed away from him, trying to study him closely. Dabi got a little irritated and got closer to her, "What do you like to eat? I have to feed you so you don't starve." He spoke as if she were deaf. 

"Aren't Villains supposed to be cruel and torture their victims. Why are you asking me to eat?"

"You have a very terrible vision of us, Red. Of course, if you want to be tortured, my friend Toga can help with that." He smirked seeing the fear in her eyes. "You're as white as a ghost. You must be anemic or something right?"

"I don't know." She said quietly. 

"You're not making this easy, Red. Just tell me what you like to eat."

"I don't care what you feed me. I just want to go home. What do you want with me anyway?"

"Well, You're the daughter of Stain. He told us about you."

"He did?" She asked, scooting closer to him. "What did he say?"

"He said that if anything happened to him, we were to find you and take you in. He said that you had some sort of fixation on being like All Might." he grimaced. "He wanted us to take care of that little problem."

Pria looked at him in slight confusion, "You're lying."

"Its the honest truth, cross my heart and hope to die."

"If that's the case, then I hope you have a good funeral." She growled. "My father hated every fiber of my existence and would never say those words to anyone. He thought I was trash."

Dabi looked at her agitated but he listened to her for a moment, "Not like you care, but he did unspeakable things to me, I was his practice dummy. Every time he cut me, he had an expression of pure joy on his face. He loved it, he loved to see me bleed and cry and scream, it was like therapy to him."

She could see the discomfort on Dabi's face when she spoke of what happened to her but soon looked at her with distaste, "Stop thinking you're the only one here with Daddy Issues."

Her heart sank hearing his reaction, "Wow, and I thought I was getting somewhere. Silly me." She shrugged. "Whatever you do to me will pale in comparison to what he did to me."

"Then, I guess well have to get creative."

"You still didn't answer my question, why am I even here?"

"You want to know why you're here? Fine, you are here because not only are you Stains kid which will give us some street cred but you're also part of the Children of Peace Program. All Might has to take in one child from an abusive home from the Villain or Hero society in order to have it funded. So if you're captured and Tokyo sees that, All Might will be looked down upon and the children he plans to save will be crawling back to us. You are an important piece in our plan and we will do anything to make sure it becomes a reality. Any hero that gets in the way will be killed without question."

Pria stopped to gulp down a lump of fear in her throat, "What makes you think that they will come to you in the first place?"

"You must be really dumb, Red." He shook his head. "We aren't just Villains. Do you think we just woke up and decided to be evil. Heroes made us like this. Their society is littered with the mentality that if your quirk looks evil, then it probably is. We are people who were rejected by the hero society because we didn't have any other choice. Once some one says that your quirk seems like a villainous one...your life is over."

Pria understood him, she was looked at like a killer when she was first found out. No one wanted to come near her for a while until she proved to her class that she was harmless. She shook her head and  looked up at him again, "The thing is, One day you did wake up and choose to be a villain. If that isn't true, how did you get here?"

"Stop acting like you know what I've been through."

"I do though, I was you." She told him. "Those burn marks didn't just come from nowhere. You must have been abused too."

"Stop it." He clenched his fists. "What the hell are you talking about?" He shouted. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Dabi. Who did that to you?"

"Shut the fuck up!"  He got in her face, looking into her bright yellow eyes. 

"Trauma doesn't create itself, Dabi. We are the same, the only difference is that you made it consume you, I chose to conquer it." She shouted back at him. "If you didn't like what they called you, make them see you in a different perspective."

Dabi screamed, pushing her up against the wall, he erupted a blue flame, burning her red hair. She struggled to move out of his grasp, hoping that the fire wouldn't burn her scalp. 

"Look at that, There's the fear that I wanted to see." He blew  the fire out that singed her hair. "Next time you talk to me like that, just remind yourself of what I can do." He dropped her and she landed on the floor, whimpering. "I'll pick you something up, you better eat it."

Blood Doesn't Make You Family Book 4. (Hero Killer Stains daughter.)Where stories live. Discover now