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"Clementine, behind you!" Louis shouted from afar. He aimed his bow at the walker heading toward the girl in the baseball cap, but with how close it was to her and how poor he was at aiming, he didn't want to risk the chance of shooting his friend.

Clementine spun around quicker than lightning, but with little time to react, the drooling walker latched onto her and pushed her to the ground. The brunette used all her strength to keep the walker from biting her, but it was only a matter of time until she would tire out.

Just when she thought her time was up, a blonde came sprinting at her and shoved her meat cleaver in the back of its head, kicking it off of Clem immediately. "Fuck, are you okay?" she asked with concern, reaching her hand out to help the girl stand up.

Clementine gratefully took the blonde's hand. She swallowed nervously and drowned herself in those pools of green eyes. "I- uh, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for, you know, saving me, Violet," she responded with a slight chuckle. Staring at the blonde only caused her to blush more than she already was.

"Of course. Can't afford to lose you, Clem." Violet offered a quick smile. Before the brunette could process the girl's words, heavy footsteps began approaching the two.

"Shit, are you guys all right??" Louis asked, gasping for air. He faced the curly-haired brunette and said, "Clem, I wanted to shoot, really, but-but I was so scared I was going to miss and shoot you instead. I swear-"

"Don't worry, Louis. I get it. I don't know if I would have trusted myself either to make that shot. You were far away, so not shooting was probably the best decision," Clementine informed with an assuring smile. She placed her hand on his shoulder, which induced a sigh of relief from the boy. "Besides, Violet saved me," she added, though more quietly.

Violet nodded. "Really, it was nothing. I'm sure you could have handled it without me. I just happened to be close."

"Stop being so modest, Vi," Louis stated. "You did save Clementine." The dreadlocked man quickly turned back to the brunette with a look of panic. "Not that you can't handle yourself, Clem. You sure as hell can fuck up a walker any time any day."

The girl laughed and headed back to Ericson's Boarding School for Troubled Youth with her two friends, which were easily more like family now.

When they arrived, AJ came running straight to Clementine and threw himself at her, almost knocking her off her feet. "Clem, Vi, Louis! You're back!"

"Of course we are, little man," Violet said with a fond smile.

Ruffling the kid's hair, Clementine inquired, "how was everything here?"

Letting go of his protector, AJ replied, "boring as usual, but no danger. I helped Aasim catch some bunnies for dinner tonight. It was sad to watch them die, but I am happy we'll have food for tonight."

"Agreed," Clem remarked.

While Louis and AJ headed off toward the school, Clementine hung back to talk with Violet. Being around her always made the brunette feel safe. Like nothing could ever hurt her. Violet would protect her with every ounce in her body, even if it wasn't in the way Clem wanted it to be.

Violet would protect her because she was a part of the Ericson's kids family now, not because she had feelings for Clementine. Violet wouldn't let anyone get away unscathed if they hurt someone important to her. That was another reason why Clementine was so besotted with Violet.

"You okay there, Clem?" the blonde asked as she noticed the girl in the baseball cap lost in thought.

Clementine quickly snapped back to reality and tried to stay composed. Finding Violet's eyes, she stated, "sorry, just got a lot on my mind."

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