Together Forever

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"It's not fair," Violet groaned. Gently she closed her eyes and tilted her head down away from the stars that shined above. "I don't want this to be our last night together. I thought I prepared myself for this, but now that it's actually happening I'm realizing how much I care about you, Clem."

Clementine stared at the night sky that captivated her attention. The roof that her and her girlfriend sat on couldn't be more perfect for a peaceful night of stargazing. "I know, Vi," the brunette softly agreed, averting her eyes to the blonde. She grasped the girl's hand tightly. "I don't want this either, but there's not much I can do. Lee said we have to move with him to his new job." Noting the blonde's silence, Clementine continued, squeezing Violet's hand even more to grasp her attention. "I love you more than the amount of stars in the sky.

Violet plastered a small smile that she couldn't help, despite hating their destined future. She drank in her girlfriend's ethereal complexion for a long time before speaking again. "Well I love you more than you love me more than the amount of stars in the sky. I- uh, think I said that correctly?" the blonde chuckled with blush. "Err, you know what I mean."

Clementine scooted real close to Violet and wrapped her arm around her waist, pulling her in closely. Violet gratefully accepted the gesture and rested her head on her girlfriend's shoulder, gazing across the night. "Heh, I'm gonna miss being with you. At least it's not like we're officially breaking up though, Vi. We'll still be together."

"Not in the way I want. Distance relationships rarely work out, and besides, I want to see and be with you physically, not through a screen. That's not a relationship."

Clem sighed, knowing her girlfriend was right. "Yeah. But down the line, when I'm financially stable enough to move out of Lee's home, we can be together again. You know, get our own place, do whatever the hell we want together. It'll all work out. I promise."

"You really think we'll last that long?" Violet inquired as she flitted her vision to the cars passing down below.

"Are you saying you think we won't?"

Instantly Vi replied, "no! no, not at all. It's just.. we fell in love with each other at such a young age. You know what they say - people who fall in love young never last. I mean sixteen and seventeen? Most relationships at that age are usually flings and don't last long."

"Vi, we've been together for almost three years now. So what we fell in love at a young age. Obviously it didn't stop us from being together. If anything we're more in love now than we were back then. Me moving away isn't going to stop me from loving you, and it isn't the end for us. We'll last. I promise."

"We better. I can't imagine what it would be like if I didn't have you in my life."

"And you'll never have to. Now let's enjoy the rest of our last night together. No more moping and being sad. Tonight we're supposed to be happy while we're still with each other."

Clementine kissed the top of her girlfriend's head, receiving a warm embrace from the girl afterward. No matter if Clem was halfway across the world or just a foot away, she would love Violet the exact same. She never expected to find love right away when she first moved into town with Lee, but she couldn't resist when she saw the blonde for the first time in science class laughing with her friends.

"Oh! I almost forgot," Violet uttered abruptly. She sat up straight (who knew Violet could do something straight) and reached into her back pocket. "I- um, made you this," she stated as she reached her hand out to Clementine.

Clem looked at it with curious and loving eyes, taking ahold of it firmly. "Heh, stars?" she said as she flipped the pin over.

"So you never forget stargazing with me when you're gone," the blonde replied with a soft smile.

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