Strings of Your Heart

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"No, I did the math and it's 47.83," Brody declared to Violet with an expression that made the girl seem as if she was stupid. Abruptly a loud bang of thunder rang throughout the outcast sky, denoting that fall had finally come around. Everyone could say goodbye to summer's wrath of hot, sultry days.

Trees were beginning to transform their leaves into beautiful colors like sunset orange and scarlet red, and most, if not everybody's, favorite time was approaching: sweater weather.

Inside Brody's bedroom sat her and Violet, a dear friend she had known since middle school. Rain pattered down the windows, leaving trails of tears behind. It was now their senior year together, and they were assigned to write a lab report together.

"Is this why your parents put you in the foster care system when you were younger? Because you can't do basic math?" Violet teased as she wrote something down on their report.

"Says the one who's lived in a trailer her entire life. And eventually two people realized how amazing I am so they adopted me into their family."

The blonde chuckled and leaned back against Brody's bed. "I will say I'm glad that you and I can talk the utmost shit to each other and still be best friends at the end of the day. Everyone's such a snowflake these days."

"Tell me about it," Brody agreed, rubbing her temples for a moment from their exhausting project. "You say one wrong thing and you're suddenly cancelled by the entire world."

"Can we take a break? I can't work another second on this lame ass assignment."

Brody nodded and closed their textbooks and laptop. She averted her attention fully to the blonde next to her, desperate to talk about anything other than school. "So, anyone new catchin' your fancy?" the redhead inquired with a smirk.

Violet rolled her eyes. "Nope. Not since Minnie."

"I'm usually not a hater, but that girl can seriously go fuck herself. I don't understand how you put up with her ass for six straight months."

"Why do you think I broke up with her?" Violet responded with a soft chuckle.

Brody rolled over the side of her bed to charge her phone and said, "still, you should have broken things off way sooner. I mean, the things she did and said to you? Do you know how hard it was to hold back every ounce of strength I had to not tell her to fuck off and leave you alone? Hell I wanted to beat the shit out of her for you."

"I know I should have left her sooner. Some nights just were just too tough for me to handle alone... and she was always ready to do whatever, whenever with me."

After another loud thud of thunder boomed the sky, Brody glared at Violet and gently shoved her shoulder. "That's why I'm your best friend, Vi! You should have called me instead of her."

The blonde playfully shook her head and kept quiet, reeling out her phone to check her messages.

Suddenly Brody's bedroom door flew open with a new figure standing in the doorway. The quick motion caused Violet to lift her head up from her phone, her breath hitching when her eyes landed on the person in front of her. "Hey Brody, you mind if I take the car tonight to pick up some pizza?" the girl asked as she took a few steps forward into the room.

She wore black leggings and a red sweater, along with light makeup that adorned her complexion. Violet was practically gawking at her until Brody answered. "Go for it. As long as you get me a slice."

"You got it, sis," she confirmed. She left the room afterward, leaving the two alone again.

"How have we been friends this long and I've never met your foster sister until now?" Violet asked immediately.

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