Home is Where You are

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Violet poured herself and her date a glass of red wine from the kitchen of her apartment. She was dubious about having another woman in her home since it was the first time she'd been on a date since her last girlfriend left.

Guilty thoughts harbored in the back of her mind even though she broke up with her last girlfriend three months ago. A part of her never really moved on from the girl. She never wanted to do this date in the first place but Louis insisted on it. The man wanted his friend to be happy again, and the only way to do that was to move on and find someone new.

Except that wasn't the only way. Not to Violet. She could have been happy with her old girlfriend, but it was her choice to break up with her, and now she had to live with that mistake.

"Here you go," Violet quietly stated as she handed her date the wine glass. "I hope red wine's okay. I didn't have white."

"Red is fine," the woman replied with an eased smile. She sipped her glass before speaking again as her eyes roamed the interior of Violet's apartment. Meeting back to Vi's green eyes, the girl said, "your place is a lot nicer than mine. It's for sure prettier, like you."

The blonde sheepishly nodded her head and forced a weak smile. Violet wasn't sure how to take the compliment. Instead of responding, an awkward silence fell upon the two girls sitting on the couch. Vi shifted in her seat and mustered up as much confidence as she could. "Look, Minerva-"

Ding dong.

"I presume that's our Chinese food," Minerva informed.

Standing up, the blonde huffed and muttered, "right," underneath her breath. She wiped down her shirt and approached the door, fumbling with her wallet in her hand to get the money out.

When she reeled out the cash, she opened the door to a figure in the hallway. "Holy shit.. it's you."



Clementine paced around in the living room of her really small apartment. Realistically it was more of like a studio, but it had plenty of space for her to walk back and forth and think.

She was all the way in California living her best life, or at least what should be her best life. The job offer she accepted three months ago was supposed to be her key to a successful life, and as much fun as she had doing her job, it didn't hold a candle to living her life with her girlfriend. Correction - ex girlfriend.

As each passing day went on, Clementine felt more and more miserable without her old girlfriend. They had been together for so long, but the girl didn't want a long distance relationship, so she had no option but to break up with Clementine.

The brunette suddenly stopped in her tracks and clasped her phone. She scrolled down until the name she wanted to call appeared. It had been a while since she called this number.

Slowly Clem began to walk around the room again, unable to stay still. Adrenaline coursed through her veins at the thought of a new future, but her hopes and dreams began to fade away as the phone kept ringing and no one answered.

Just as Clementine was about to give up and end the call, a voice rang through the line. "Hello?" a husky voice uttered.

"Brody! Hey! I'm so so happy you picked up!"

"Clem, it's kinda late here I was sleeping," Brody claimed with a chuckle. "But what's up? I can practically hear your smile through the line."

"It's like 10:30 for you, grandma, but yeah, I've been thinking about something all day, and I've made the executive decision to quit my job." The brunette couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear as she talked to Brody. "Just, uh, one question though: do you know if Violet's, um, seeing anyone?"

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