One Day

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On a sunny, cloudless day, the Ericson kids were all hanging out at Louis' mansion. It had more rooms than you could imagine, and the backyard covered acres of land. Leaning against the window while her friends partook in a card game of truth or dare, Violet sat gazing endlessly at the girl sitting across the street. She was reading a book underneath the shade of a tree. Even from a distance she looked effortlessly beautiful to Violet.

The mysterious girl had brunette curly locks that sat on her shoulders with a baseball cap on her head. She wore some sort of band t-shirt and black skinny ripped jeans. Violet had no clue who this girl was, but she wanted to get to know her more than anything.

"Vi, will you stop staring and join us? The game isn't the same without you torturing us with your dares," Louis commented as he passed on the deck of cards. He wondered what his friend was looking at until he stood up and looked out the giant window. "Never mind, I understand," he snickered with a teasing smirk and nudge to Violet's shoulder.

"Vi got a little crush?" Mitch teased as he took a big swig of his beer.

The blonde rolled her eyes as her friends kept making dumb jokes, but that didn't stop her from standing up and heading toward the door. "I'm gonna go talk to her. I swear if any of you do anything to try and embarrass me, you'll regret it," she jokingly threatened with a sharp glare at her friends.

She opened the door and sauntered her way to the girl, checking both ways before crossing the street. A sudden gust of wind blew by, which knocked off the brunette's baseball cap in Violet's direction. She picked it up and handed it out to the girl. "I think this belongs to you," she said with a fond smile.

"Oh, thanks. Definitely don't want to lose this thing," the girl replied with gratitude. She really wanted to spend her time finishing up her book before the day ended, but after seeing the blonde for the first time, her wants changed. Closing her book and standing up from underneath the tree, she stated, "well if you're going to save my hat, I think it's only fair I know your name."

Chuckling and slightly blushing, the blonde responded, "Violet."

"I'm Clementine." The two smiled at each other for a moment while nothing but the wind and birds could be heard. "I take it you didn't just come over here to save my hat?" Clem joked as she readjusted it.

Violet tried to picture if she had seen the girl around the neighborhood before, but the girl remained unbeknownst to her. "Heh, not exactly. I just feel I would have noticed a girl like you around here. Are you new or something?"

"Like you said, not exactly. I just haven't traveled to a whole ton of places in this neighborhood."

The blonde tried to play it cool and make it seem like she had all the confidence in the world, but on the inside her heart was racing faster than lightning and her mind was fumbling over what to say. She had never seen such a beautiful woman before, let alone muster up the confidence to talk to one. The girl seemed so sweet and caring - something Violet wasn't entirely used to in past relationships. "Do you maybe wanna explore around town then with me? Unless you want to finish your book. I don't want to disturb you any longer than I already have."

"Heh, you're cute," Clementine said, feeling warmth rise in her body the longer she stared at Violet's green irises. "I would love that, Vi." The brunette reached out her hand for the blonde to take it, which surprised the girl a little. "Lead the way, captain."


The moon showered rays of light over the city of Richmond. It was dark outside, but light enough for Clementine and Violet to see where they were walking. "Are we almost there yet?" Vi questioned as now Clem lead her to somewhere new.

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