The Barn

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How could I be so stupid? I should have never let her go on her own with AJ. She needed me. She needed me, but she's too selfless and cares too much about me to tell me to stay. Instead she probably saved my life by telling me to run, so I did. Shit. Please be okay, Clementine. Stay with me.

Violet stopped at a tree to catch her breath. It felt like she'd been running for ages since walkers forced her to find a new path home, which wasn't going so well. The woods around her were less familiar, and without anyone to help her, Violet was on her own again.

How did she manage to get into this position twice? After the boat explosion, she couldn't leave Clementine behind, so she left her family and trailed after the girl. While uncertainty ate her to her core, she finally found her girlfriend and could breathe again.

Shortly after, Minerva found them and sliced through Clem's leg on the bridge. It hurt Violet's heart to think about it happening, just like it did to think about Tenn. Despite knowing that Tenn was too naive and innocent for this world, Vi missed her little boy like hell, and she'd be utterly broken if she lost her Clementine too. Now the blonde was alone again and uncertain of the status and location of her girlfriend.

"God dammit," Violet muttered through her clenched teeth. She fought back tears while scouting the area around her, only to be met with the same old trees. Sighing with pessimism, the girl continued her venture.

After 10 or so minutes, a figure in the woods caught Violet's eye. She was sure it wasn't a walker, so she approached it vigilantly. "What the fuck?" she said to herself as it came into clearer view. "AJ?" Violet yelled, wasting no more time to run to the boy.

"Violet!" AJ shouted with relief. He ran up to the blonde and hugged her waist, but the tears staining his red face didn't go unnoticed by the girl.

"AJ, are you okay? Where's Clementine?"

Sniffling, the boy replied, "she's at James' barn. She got bit and- and she told me to leave her. I didn't want to, but she insisted and said I needed to live for her." His glum expression pained Violet deeply.

"She.. Clem was bit?" Violet uttered in disbelief. Instantly she could feel herself getting choked up as tears brimmed her eyes. "No, no we have to go back for her, AJ. Where did she get bit?" Seeing the somber state the boy was in, as was herself, Violet crouched down to his level and wiped away his tears. "AJ, I know how shitty things are right now, but we can still save Clem. Was she bit on her arm?"

"No," AJ responded while shaking his head. "Her leg. The same leg that Minerva cut. She's lost a lot of blood, and her skin is losing color."

Violet bit her cheek hard to keep herself from breaking down, tasting metallic blood. She had to be strong for AJ, just like how Clem was. The thought of losing Clementine made Violet want to end it all, but she would fight to take care of her girlfriend's boy no matter what. "Take me to her."

Soon the two headed for the most important person in the world to them as the sun kept rising. They reached the barn, which was still swarming with walkers. "There's a little hole in the back of the barn that we can squeeze through. I don't think walkers will notice us."

"Good," was all Violet managed to get out without the sound of her voice faltering.

When AJ and Violet were safely inside, Violet's eyes were drawn to the horrific sight AJ had explained. Clementine's eyes were closed, blood stained the ground around her. "No," Vi whispered, crouching down to the girl and taking her hand. "You stay with us, okay? I won't ever forgive you if you leave me, Clementine."

"Here," AJ uttered. "You're stronger, so you should cut her leg off. I'll start to cover myself in walker guts so we can escape without them noticing us."

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