One Drink Too Many

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"What?" Clementine said in disbelief, her amber eyes quickly losing the stardust that normally radiated back at Violet, her girlfriend. It was a late night in New York, and Violet had finally worked up the nerve to tell her girlfriend all about last night's activities.

Violet swallowed hard, keeping her eyes glued to the wooden floor. "I kissed someone.. at the bar. I mean, she kissed me, but-"

"But you didn't pull away, did you?" Clementine finished, feeling a roller coaster of emotions wash over her. She felt tears beginning to brim her eyes as she already knew Violet's answer by her ashamed demeanor.

"Clem, I was so drunk. I could barely see a foot in front of me! I know I fucked up, okay? Just please I-I don't want to lose you over one drunken mistake. I love you!" Violet was now close to Clem, grasping her hands tightly. Clementine scowled and shook them away, walking toward the center of their apartment.

She tried to wrap her head around it, but she couldn't. Her girlfriend, whom she had been happy with for two years now, kissed someone that wasn't her. She placed her hands on her hips. "You love me? Were you busy loving me while you were out kissing some stranger at a bar?" she yelled through tears.

Violet started to tear up as well, fearing how her fuck up could ruin her and Clementine for good. "Clem, I love you. You know I love you." Violet took a few steps closer. "I don't want us to be over over some drunken fuck up! I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry I hurt you, Clementine."

Clementine stood with her arms now crossed, completely avoiding eye contact with her girlfriend. "I need time. Time and space to figure out where you and I stand from here," she uttered, walking past Violet and toward the door.

"Please, Clem, don't go! If you go we won't be able to fix this," Violet pleaded, her entire body trembling with guilt and fear.

"Maybe that's for the best, Vi." The brunette opened the door, but she was hesitant to leave. Without turning back to look at her girlfriend, Clementine stated, "I will be back some time tomorrow. I just need to get away for a while to think."

Violet sighed, feeling worse than she ever had before. She wiped away the tears blurring her vision. "Can you at least tell me where you're going?" Violet shakily asked. "It's not safe out there this time of night. What if something happens to you? What if you get hurt?"

Clementine chuckled, biting the inside of her cheek afterward. "Already been hurt once tonight. Besides, you're too busy kissing other girls to care and think about me."

The brunette slammed the door shut and left, leaving Violet all alone. The blonde walked to their bedroom and sat in the middle of the bed, crying her soul away. It really was just a drunken mistake. A bad one, to say the least, but she loved Clementine more than anything in the world. That girl was the reason she got up in the morning. That girl was the reason Violet was truly happy.

She laid back against the pillows and stared at the ceiling. She hated herself for letting that stranger at the bar kiss her. It didn't mean anything to her at all. Violet didn't like it, but still the alcohol buzzing through her veins clouded her better judgment.

Now it was only a matter of time before Clementine returned home and told Violet what their fate would be.


7:38 pm, The Next Day

Violet heard the apartment door open as she sat on the couch, slowly lifting her head to see Clementine's silhouette in the doorframe. The brunette didn't say a word and walked over to the couch, standing next to it but not sitting down with Violet.

The blonde had been crying all day in their apartment. First in their bed when she woke up, then in the shower, and finally the couch where she had been sat all day. Violet hated herself for what she had done, and hated herself even more for hurting such a perfect girl.

Violet shut her eyes tight, lowering her head again and crossing her arms. "So," she mumbled, trying to not choke up her words. "Are we over? Did I fuck up our relationship?"

Clementine didn't respond. Instead she sat down, reluctant to do anything else. After flitting her eyes onto Violet, who was still failing to even look at her girlfriend, Clem gradually reached out and clasped the blonde's hands. "I love you."

Violet's heart jumped. She almost didn't believe those were the words that came out of Clementine's mouth. She looked up and let her girlfriend continue, a minuscule bubble of hope kindling inside.

"I never stopped loving you. What you did... I'm not going to say it didn't hurt, because it did. More than I tried to make it seem. But I know you love me, and I know it was just a drunken mistake." She scanned Violet's watery eyes, seeing the green beginning to grow back in them to replace the faint, empty color they had become. "Let's just leave it behind in the past, okay? We can move on from this."

"You, forgive me?" Violet asked with bemusement. She tightened her grip on Clementine's warm, soft hands, fearing the girl would pull away again at any moment.

"Well, I wouldn't say I completely forgive you. It will take time for me to fully push it aside, but I'm not going to break up with you over one drunk kiss. That's all it was, right?"

"Yes," Violet immediately replied. "That's all it was. And there's no excuse for hurting a girl like you, Clementine. But, yes, it was one drunk kiss."

Clementine relaxed a little, flashing her girlfriend a small smile. That soon faded into a frown, which caught Vi's attention. "Clem?" she uttered.

"Can I ask you something?" the brunette queried, staring directly into Violet's light green orbs.

"Of course."

Clementine averted her eyes to the couch, then quickly back to Violet's eyes. "Am I enough for you?" she asked. It was obvious there was pain in her voice. "I mean, do I make you happy, Violet?"

This question caught Violet off guard. She was the one who made the mistake, and here her girlfriend was partly blaming herself for it. "How can you even ask that? Clementine, I can't put in to words how happy and loved you make me feel." She watched as Clem still appeared unconvinced, so she moved closer to her and cupped her hands around Clem's cheeks. Pressing their foreheads together gently, Violet claimed, "baby you are so much more than I deserve. I will never understand how lucky I am to be with you, let alone know you. You're perfect, you hear me? I love you, and I will tell you everyday how much I love you."

Clementine sniffled, meeting Violet's eyes. "Okay," she muttered. "Okay. I love you, too."

After a pause between the girls, Violet gently began stroking her right thumb back and forth against her girlfriend's cheek. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?" she asked warmly yet shyly.

Clementine lightly chuckled. "Violet, you're my girlfriend. Of course you can kiss me. I want you to kiss me."

Violet smiled and slowly tilted her head, softly planting her lips onto Clementine's. She deepened the kiss and placed her arms around the brunette's neck, holding her close to her body. After relishing in the taste of her girlfriend's lips, Violet pulled back slightly, clearing a strand of Clem's curly hair away from her face. "I'm going to make this up to you, you know."

"Oh yeah?" Clementine uttered with a broad smile. "How about you start by letting me be little spoon tonight. That way you can hold me close against your body, and I can feel safe and warm in your arms."

Violet chuckled, planting one more kiss on her girlfriend's forehead. "Anything for my girl."

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