Favorite Hello, Hardest Goodbye

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"It could mean anything," Brody claims in an attempt to cheer up her best friend. She watches as Violet remains unconvinced on the velvet couch and continues to fiddle with her fingers. "You've always been so pessimistic, Vi. You don't know for sure if that's going to be the case."

"But it is. I know the exact words that are going to come out of her mouth," Violet counters. She finally lifts her head up and meets with Brody's sky blue eyes who are staring at her from the other end of the couch. "She's going to meet up with me and say, 'Violet, this relationship isn't working for me and I want to break up with you.'"

Brody huffs, unsure of what to say next. As much as she hates to come to terms with it, Clementine has seemed distant from Violet lately. Everyone in the group has noticed it. It's like when she's there with Violet, she's not really there. From time to time she'll glance at the girl and give her attention, but from anyone's point of view it's patent that there's no love anymore, at least from Clem's side.

"That's one scenario. Or maybe she'll tell you that she wants to take things further," Brody states with little hope laced in her words.

Violet darts her vision away again and stares at the wall next to her. "Look Brody, I appreciate you trying to cheer me up and all, but we all know what's coming. I've just been in denial about it because I wanted Clem and I to last. I love her more than anything in this world, but things between us have felt different for a while now. I don't even remember the last time we had sex."

Brody displays a look of sorrow on her face, reaching her hand out and setting it on the blonde's knee. "I'm sorry, Vi. I know what she means to you. Maybe this will be better in the long run. Wouldn't you rather be with someone who loves you back just as much as you love them?"

"Well yeah, I just wanted to have that with Clementine. And I did for a little while. She just fell out of love with me I guess." Violet sighs, feeling her heart shatter inside as she finally accepts the reality. Her and Clem have been together for almost a year and a half, but the past month or two have not been the same. Violet would give anything to have just one more good day with Clem to relive some of their best memories, but she was painfully aware that those days were long gone.

Brody forces a weak smile at the despondent blonde, who's eyes have become hazy and dull. She's never seen Violet happier while she was with Clem, and now her heart aches as she knows how broken and torn up Violet will become after tomorrow.

"It's her loss. You're sweet, loyal, funny, beautiful, caring, protective. She's crazy to let a girl like you go. But remember, you won't know for sure until tomorrow, okay? Don't go assuming the worse quite yet."

Violet nods and fakes a small smile at the redhead. Vi knows. She knows the old cuddles at night are over. She knows the old kissing and sleeping together are over. She knows the old date nights are over. It's all over. "Tomorrow will tell," Violet says with a shrug.


The blonde watches the clock anxiously as she waits for it to strike four o'clock. With a coffee clasped to her hand, the hand lands on the four and sure enough Clementine comes rolling in through the café doors. "Hi," she greets to her girlfriend, walking right past her without a hug or kiss and takes the seat across from her.

"Hey," Violet replies. She pushes the other coffee that's sitting next to her and states, "I ordered you your usual."


An awkward silence crowds the girls. Violet can tell Clementine is struggling with how to start the conversation she's been dreading to hear for the past few months now. She sips her coffee and sets it back down on the table, finding Clementine's amber eyes. Violet knows she'll long for those eyes the moment they're out the door and gone for good.

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