Chapter 15: To be or not to be

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Sorry I haven't been updating a whole lot, I just had writer's block is all. Anyways, with that said, let's start Le chapter.


~«Blue's PoV»~

We had everything set up and ready! The food was assorted from his favorite to his little bit less favorite, and the assorted from A-Z. The decorations included all sorts of colors since we couldn't find just rainbow streamers we had to find each color. Then, we had to find each color for balloons since for some reason we couldn't find rainbow balloons. Luckily though, we found rainbow party hats and rainbow rapping paper. This was gonna be the best party! We even had a welcome back cake!

When we had heard someone walking  up to the door we quickly shut the lights off and all hid where we practiced hiding. As soon as the door opened and they turned on the lights we all jumped out and yelled 'Suprise!' And put a party hat on Ink

What suprised me though, was the look on his face. Hus left eye light was a '?' and his right was a '!'. And they were both red, as though he was mad about the party..

The others must not have seen it though, as they piled up and started saying how they were so happy he was back. He just took a deep breath and pushed them away lightly, although it looked like he wanted to roughly push them away

He walked into the kitchen, ignored all the assorted food, grabbed a cookie and walked back into the living room and sitting down on the couch. He munched on his cookie for a bit before sighing, clearing his non-existent throat, and looking up at us

"What's with you all today? It's not my birthday, as far as I know it's non of your birthdays, so why do you have decor up?"

Reaper floated over to his brother and checked his temperature. Ink just swatted his hand away

"What's with you Ink? Usually you wouldn't care what the party is for, you'd just be happy with it."

"Well maybe I'm just a little to tired. Did any of you morons actually think of how I would react? Obviously, you didn't. *Sigh* I'm just gonna go to my room.."

After he said that everyone paused as he just walked up the stairs to his room. No one really expected him to call them that but in all honesty I could kind of see why he'd be mad

It doesn't make sense why he would act like that though..

~^'Ink's' PoV^~

I walked back to, technically, my room and flopped on my bed. The tired part was a truth, I was extremely tired at the moment. The part where I asked if they thought of me, though, that was a lie

I knew they thought of me, weither it was real or fake, I knew they did, I just needed them to feel guilty as to not come into my room and bother me

Not like they have the time to anyways. They put up so many decorations I'd imagine it would take them to at least an hour to get them all down. I could finally reeellllaaaxxxx. Vanta was a pain though. He kept calling me several times. Oh well, I thing I deserve a nap

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