chapter 36: Panic Party

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~Error's PoV~

       I opened a portal to the Star Sans' base. Today was Dream's birthday so he wanted to invite almost everyone. Luckily, Blue and Cross managed to stop him from inviting too many Sans'. I got the glow stick an oil lamp, it changed colors since I didn't know what colors he'd like. I put it in a box and then I put zip ties around it, put it in another box that I super glued and then I wrapped it up in five layers of thick, EXPENSIVE, wrapping paper. I honestly just wanted to see him struggle to open my present.

      When I walked through it was very bright. And I mean very, very bright. They had the lights off but there were flashing lights waving everywhere and there was even a disco! I barely heard anything over the music constantly blaring in my non existent ears. This didn't seem like the kind of party Dream would have come up with but he and Cross seemed like they were having a pretty good time together so I mean he could be into these kinds of parties I guess.

      I left my gift on the gift table and went to find someone to talk to while I'm here so I'm not just awkwardly standing in the corner by my lonesome. I searched for a bit before I noticed a brown scarf round the corner and make it's way into a little room kind of in the hallway but mainly on the corner, kind of hooking into itself. I looked around and saw Nightmare, which made sense why he'd be here, it's his own brother's party after all.

      I walked over to where I saw Ink go and looked around in the small room, looking under the hanging clothes and the cleaning supplies. I looked under all the cabinets but I didn't see Skittles. I turned and saw a door, as well as heard some small whimpering when the music paused to play the next song. I walked over to the door and knocked, the sound on the other side of it suddenly stopping. I sighed and shook my head.

      "Ink, are you alright?" I heard a little bit of shuffling, a couple thumps, and then nothing. I knocked again before opening the door to come face to face with.... More clothes. How much pairs of clothing did they have in there? I Looked behind the peices of fabric before I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to where I heard it and saw Ink with his head wrapped in his arms, resting on his legs. I reached up and put a hand on his leg. He lifted his head enough to look at me, then reached an arm down to pat my hand. I reached my other arm up and he took a moment but he rested himself into my arms.

       I gently took him down from the top of the closet and sat down with him still leaning against my chest. He was trembling and each breath he took was sharp. "It'll be alright, I'll try to help you Ink. Here, how many hampers are there?" He lifted his head up and looked around, quietly counting each one. "Uhm there-theres seven.." He wiped away some of his tears and rested his head again. "How many colors are in a rainbow?" He took a moment and smiled up at me, twitching but not trembling anymore.

       "You know- how many col-colors there are Error." I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah but do I know each of their names?" He took a moment to think and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know... There's Red, orange, green, blue, indigo and violet." I looked from him to the flashing lights and loud sounds of the other room and stood up with Ink still in my arms. He held on a little tighter, not expecting me to stand up suddenly. I made a portal to Outertale and walked through, closing it and sitting down on the cliff side.

      "So, I know it might be a bad time, so you don't have to answer right now, but what made you panic like that?" He looked away and sighed before closing his eyes and leaning on my shoulder. "It was seeing Nightmare again.. I don't know I just feel really guilty about what happened, like I could've done something to at least keep up together." I shook my head. "Ink, you have to give it time. That, and it really isn't your fault how you felt at that time or how you still feel, you can't just force yourself to do something you don't want to do, or force yourself to feel something that you don't feel. Even with your vials, it doesn't just work like that. You don't have to worry about him feeling some sort of way, that's his problem to deal with. For now, focus on how you feel, or want to feel. I don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable with."

       He smiled up at me and laughed some. "Thank you Error, I needed that... But I feel like I still love him but I also feel.. odd.. about talking to him after I said that we shouldn't be together! I hate how confusing feelings are.. of course, I'm not alone but I feel like in this situation I only got you.." I held him a little tighter and looked out into the stars, taking a deep breath with a smile still present on my face. I looked back down at Ink. "I'll try my best to be here for you Ink." He cuddled a little closer to me before looking up at me. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that.." I put a hand on the back of his head and rubbed it to try and comfort him some. "Ink, it's really alright. I want to help you, so I don't care if that mean battling some random dragon like in fairytales or saving you from a party I'll do it. Just tell me and I'll be there."

       He chuckled at my words. "You wouldn't fight a dragon." I nodded again. "I would, but just don't go getting yourself captured." He looked down and just hugged me. I didn't try to move that much other than lying down. He sighed and it didn't take long until he was asleep. I stared at the sky for awhile before slowly falling into sweet unconsciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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