Chapter 27: Newly Found

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~Nightmare's PoV~

I yawned and stretched as I made my way down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Dream making pancakes, Cross making eggs and Horror making the bacon.

Dream must have heard me come in and turned his head to me.

"Hello Nightmare. Breakfast will be ready here soon."

After he said that he just turned his head away and continued to cook make the pancakes.

I walked into the living room before I realized what he said. He said Nightmare while he usually says brother. He hasn't called me by my name since the incident...

"Foods ready!!"

He yelled it loud enough everyone in the castle could hear. Before I knew it I heard thundering footsteps run down the hall and then the stairs. Killer, Dust and Red ran past me and to the dining room, instantly sitting down.

I walked into the dining room and sat at the table. There already at my seat before I sat was a plate of pancakes with syrup in between each with eggs and bacon to the side, somewhat forming a smiley face.

I took my fork and stabbed the eggs first, bringing them to my mouth and eating them. They were light and fluffy, and you could tell some of the syrup leaked onto them.

I next cut into the pancakes and took a bite out of them. They looked so golden and delicious I wasn't prepared for choking on them.

I held my throat and slammed my hand on the table as I tried to stop myself from choking on the piece of pancake. Dream, Cross and Horror started laughing while the others were just staring. Eventually I stopped chocking and gotten the piece down my non-existent throat.

The three who had cooked had stopped laughing and we're just now chuckling. I grabbed one by the throat, not knowing which one it was due to me having to wipe away the tears that had formed since my throat was burning somehow.

Once I had wiped them away I looked at who I had grabbed and saw it was Cross.

"I know you tampered with my food. What did you do?"

I glared at him as he twisted and turned. After a few moments Dream spoke up.

"Brother c'mon it's just a prank. We thought that you've been to uptight and needed a small break."

"And you believe that causing me to choke would be a good idea? Dream you know my throat closes up when I eat blueberries!"

"I'm sorry brother, but I know that it only closes up for a few moments."

I only glared at him before dropping his beloved partner. I stood up from the table and walked back upstairs to my room, leaving my food behind on the table.

I opened the door and sat on my bed. I looked to my nightstand and saw a letter there. I didn't recall having a letter on my nightstand but then I remembered last night.

I took the letter and opened it, rereading it. I widened my eyes and put my head in my left hand. Great, now it won't be any use to look in the Scribblesphere now. But now I actually have something to use to find him.

I sighed and took the letter, wrapping it back up and leaving my room. I walked downstairs and into the living room.

"Do any of you know where Windows visa is?"

They all shook their heads except for Dust.

"He went to his Anti-void."

I nodded and opened a portal there. I stepped through it and closed it and looked for Error. He, of course, was sitting on his beanbag, playing with a couple dolls of his. I didn't bother trying to identify which sans they were until I saw one had a brown scarf. I looked down at them and saw one was Ink and the other was a darkish figure. It looked pure black except for white highlights in it's hair and white eyes. Reminded me of a character on a game Killer showed me, pretty sure his name was Mr. Hopps but it was the darker one that looked like the void.

He finally noticed me and put the dolls down and looked at me.

"w҈h҈a҈t҈ t҈h҈e҈ f҈u҈c҈k҈ d҈o҈ y҈o҈u҈ w҈a҈n҈t҈ n҈o҈w҈?"

"I need to to tell me if you have seen anything of a 'Scribblesphere'? Or just what AUs are right next to it? Preferably any type of voids?"

He looked to be thinking for a few moments and then back up at me.

" d҈o҈n҈t҈ k҈n҈o҈w҈ a҈n҈y҈t҈h҈i҈n҈g҈ a҈b҈o҈u҈t҈ S҈c҈r҈i҈b҈b҈l҈e҈s҈p҈h҈e҈r҈e҈ b҈u҈t҈ k҈n҈o҈w҈ t҈h҈e҈r҈e҈ w҈a҈s҈ v҈o҈i҈d҈ r҈i҈g҈h҈t҈ n҈e҈x҈t҈ t҈o҈ i҈t҈. U҈s҈e҈d҈ t҈o҈ b҈e҈ b҈l҈a҈c҈k҈h҈o҈l҈e҈ b҈u҈t҈ n҈o҈t҈ a҈n҈y҈m҈o҈r҈e҈."

"Alright thanks Windows visa."

I opened a portal to my room and as I was entering I heard him yelling at me about the nickname almost everyone called him. I just chuckled and started closed it as he threw the closest thing to him at me, which just so happened to be the Ink doll.

I caught it as soon as the portal closed. I looked at it for a few seconds before putting it comfortably on my pillows.

I walked over to my desk which had only a few pieces or paper and a jar of ink and a feather pen. I prefer using those instead of a regular pen or pencil. I sat at the chair, took the feather and dipped it in the ink before writing a small list of things I needed to do.

•find the void near the Scribblesphere
•find a way to bring Ink back
•get him home safely

I couldn't think of anything else to put so I just left it at that. I turned and opened a window to look near the area that I might find the void.

Tem skip to 3 and a half hours later

I sighed as I was about to give up looking for now. Key word: about. Just as I was going to close the portal, I stopped at a black area where I saw something brown in the distance. I marked the coordinates and closed the window. I jumped up excitedly and headed downstairs, the paper in my hands.

I stopped right infront of my brother and shook him.


"CALM DOWN NIGHT! Where is he, how do you know where he is and how can we save him?!"

"In a void, I looked through several windows and we could go in there and save him!"

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