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heading out of the train station, hope and wilbur walked through the city of london in search to find where tommy, his dad, tubbo and jack were meeting them. they were excited to take them on a trip around where they initially met, possibly bump into a few fans and experience being in a tommyinnit vlog.

they met everyone at a monument which was easy to find and the camera was already straight on wilbur and hope walking towards them, "look who it is, wilbur and his bestie!"

after speaking to tommy's dad about what time they should meet back up with him, his father muttered, "behave yourself." to tommy before leaving the group to do their own thing.

"i always behave myself." tommy frowned, folding his arms over his chest before his short lived tantrum was over and the camera was instantly in hope's face, "you're really short."

"i know i am." hope smirked.

"i know, she's tiny." wilbur stood behind her, the back of her head falling into his chest and his hands gripped both of her shoulders, "it's funny because if she can't reach something, i'm like 'aw can you not reach? bless you - anyways' and i'll walk away, she hates it." he chuckled.

"mhm, he's a dick." hope nodded confidently whilst a loud laugh erupted from tommy, "anyways, hello tubbo, hello jack." she grinned.

"hi hope," tubbo beamed, grinning from ear to ear as he gazed at hope and wilbur opposite him, "hello wilbur."

"how are you guys?" jack questioned.

"i'm good." hope's head was still pressed on wilbur's chest, so she lifted up her chin, her head lifting backwards to look up at him at an awkward angle whilst she waited for his answer. wilbur slowly lowered his head down and giggled when he was met with hope's playful smile.

"what are you doing?" wilbur smirked at hope and glanced over at jack, "yeah, i'm alright, jack. thanks for asking."

"can we go see queen liz now?" jack queried, glancing around the group.

tubbo and tommy both cheered in unison, "yeah! the queen!" tubbo exclaimed, clapping his hands together out of excitement.

hope and wilbur exchanged a glance, before taking a deep breath in and gestured the younger lads to follow their lead towards buckingham palace. on the way, they all blabbered nonsense to one another with tommy complaining about what felt like such a long drive to london from up north, whilst jack and tubbo argued telling him it was not too bad.

"how long are you staying at tommy's for, tubbo?" hope turned to look at the brown haired boy.

"erm, around a week."

"mother likes tubbo, apart from when he's dancing in my room and makes a racket!" tommy exclaimed, flashing evil eyes at tubbo whilst they continued walking. the blonde boy vlogged the most random things, often blabbering random words and phrases into the mic of his phone and repeatedly mocked hope's height by telling tubbo that he was finally taller than someone - great words of encouragement from tommyinnit. approaching the grand building, tommy paused for a moment, making everyone else stop in their tracks, "now that she's single and i turn eighteen next year, do you think -"

"i don't think the queen is interested in a seventeen year old minecraft streamer, tommy." wilbur furrowed his eyebrows at the boy, "you need to catch her attention, do something to impress her."

shiver | wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now