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hope's hair sprawled out behind her as she threw her body backwards into the comfort of wilbur's bed. wilbur sat at his desk, replying to a few email's on his computer whilst droplets of rain trickled down the window in front of him. he let out a sigh at the sight, listening to the rain strumming off the windows and stared at the dark grey clouds consuming the sky.

"i hate the rain," he swivelled around in his chair to glance over at hope, "it's just so... annoying." he huffed.

lifting herself up on her forearms, she instantly flashed him a glare, "how can you not like the rain?"

"oh, i don't know," he shrugged, "how about it makes you cold and wet? when you get home you have to dry your clothes and it makes my shoes damp. it's gross, man." folding both arms over his chest, "why don't you tell me what's so fun about the rain?"

"i don't know," she pulled her body up and rested herself on the edge of the bed, "i guess it's romantic."

wilbur let out a high pitched laugh, "what? like in the tv shows and movies?"

"yes!" she exclaimed, "exactly that. i think it's cute, watching people kiss in the rain."

"what? and catch hypothermia?" he mocked, shaking his head in disappointment at her apparent love for the cliché.

"you know what? if someone kissed me in the rain, i would die a happy woman." she nodded her head confidently, "i personally think it's quite cute." she shrugged.

chuckling, wilbur spun himself back around to face his computer, "didn't realise i was friends with such an idiot."

"come on," she lifted her body up from the bed, "let's go play out in the rain." hope held a hand out for him and gestured for him to walk over to her.

"not a chance!" wilbur raised his voice, laughing, "no chance i'm going out in that." he pointed to the rain bouncing off the windows and he was positive that the clouds had turned an even darker shade of grey.

"please." hope begged, pulling out her bottom lip with a fake frown, "it'll be funny."

"it'll be cold." he raised an eyebrow and cocked his head, disappointment sweeping across his face as to why she would even suggest doing such a thing.

a long sigh fell from her lips, "come on, just a little walk in the rain. you might like it." she smirked.

wilbur finally gave in to her pleading. he huffed and dragged his body up from the chair. a huge grin formed on her lips at his acceptance and she ran to grab both of their jackets from the other side of his room. throwing on her own puffer coat, she threw him his own and she was already ready to go before he had even finished tying his shoe laces.

"you're weird hope, you know that, don't you?" he breathed out a small laugh before lightly pushing her out of the door.

the two stumbled outside, nearly slipping on the wet pavement as droplets poured onto their bodies. "fuck this, i'm going back in!" wilbur shook his head.

"no, no!" hope quickly grabbed his arm before he had chance to pull the door handle down, "just put your hood up and stop being a little bitch." she smirked.

"you talk to tommy too much, you never used to call me a bitch before." he shook his head, but once again gave in and threw his hood over his head.

"well, i don't," she giggled, "i only talk to him when you're on call and i'm around. he seems to call me woman a lot."

"that's still quite a lot of conversing with tommyinnit." wilbur laughed, but that quickly faded when he felt that the hair swept across his forehead began to get wet and a grumble fell from his lips, "i can't believe this."

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