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wilbur was restless. a couple of days on from whatever they confessed to one another in the rain and neither of them had properly spoken about it. he had lost sleep over it, it was all he could think about. hope was constantly playing on his mind.

not even glancing at the time, he just knew it was very late, wilbur threw on his jacket and made his way to hope's. he had already left her many calls and texts and she did not reply to a single one, indicating that she was fast asleep and turned her ringer on silent. wilbur told himself to leave it another day, just wait for her reply, but he couldn't. he was desperate to see her, to talk to her, to understand where they go from here so he could finally sleep.

standing outside of her house, he picked up stones or whatever he could find laying in front of her house and casually pelted them against her bedroom window - as though it was an extremely normal thing to do. wilbur was impatient, he could not keep waiting any longer and continued to launched things at a quicker pace.

hope was startled awake by a bizarre noise smacking against her window and at first, she was positive she was still dreaming, but it continued. furrowing her eyebrows, she took a deep breath in and sat up, the noise did not stop and she needed to check it out. tugging at the string of her blinds, of course it was wilbur stood outside chucking random items at her window. she pushed her window open and simply glared at him with a sleepy look of frustration.

"i tried calling you!" he yelled and hope walked towards her bed, glancing down at her phone to notice the many missed calls from texts from him before spotting the time.

"it's two in the morning!" she raced back to her window, "what the fuck are you doing?"

"i wanted to see you." he simply shrugged, "come for a walk with me, please." he sighed.

hope rolled her eyes, leaning out of her window to stare at him. even from the second floor of her house, she could notice how drained and exhausted wilbur appeared, "can it not wait?"

"i mean -"

"actually, no. it's fine." she swallowed harshly, "give me a second." slamming her window shut, she scoured through her clothes in the darkness, finding a pair of joggers which she pulled over her pyjama shorts and tugged a hoodie over her head before grabbing her jacket and trainers. she rushed downstairs and opened the front door wide, noticing wilbur stood awkwardly with his hands tucked into the front pockets of his jeans.

"i'm sorry, i just - i really wanted to see you." he gulped, noticing as she haphazardly threw on her jacket and locked the door behind herself that maybe he should have just waited.

she softly smiled up at him, "don't worry about it."

neither of them knew where they were headed, they were just walking. tension rose between them and they did not speak a word to one another once they set foot from hope's front door. they could not tell if things were just awkward or if things were tense because they had no idea to approach the situation, but even hope knew the exact reason why wilbur dragged her out of bed so late at night and she was nervous about it.

"shall we uh - sit on the beach?" wilbur turned to look at hope, realising they had walked to the beachfront which was no surprise.

"mhm." she nodded slowly, biting her lip as they made their way over the pebbles and wilbur grabbed her hand to make sure that she did not fall in the darkness. sitting comfortably, the night sky above them was clear and wilbur was positive he could see the stars dancing in the reflection of hope's eyes.

tucking her legs up to her chest, she gazed at the sea ahead of them, "can't believe you turned up to my house and threw rocks at my window," she turned her head and smirked, "sounds kind of cliché if you ask me and i thought you weren't into that." she giggled softly.

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