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liked by tommyinnit, quackity, georgenotfound and 10,502 others

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liked by tommyinnit, quackity, georgenotfound and 10,502 others

hopetaylor good morning... <3

tommyinnit IS THIS OFFICIAL?
hopetaylor maybe
tommyinnit FINALLY! no more
keeping secrets

tubbolive this makes me happy :D
hopetaylor me too tubbo :) i'm
proud of you for not telling anyone
tubbolive i'm proud of me too!

wilbursoot morning hopey
hopetaylor morning wilby
user6892 AHHHH so cute
user8791 the nicknames :(( !!

quackity whys wilbur kinda...
wilbursoot hey quackity ;)
hopetaylor STOP TRYING TO

georgenotfound happy for you both :)
hopetaylor thank u george
user9801 wilbur got there before
george did :(
user6739 george and hope are friends?
user2279 yea ... that's what she said
about wilbur

dreamwastaken <3
hopetaylor <3 :)
user7552 underrated friendship

user5573 I KNEW THEY'd get TOGETHER
user1290 IKR do u see the way he
looks at her
user3782 so happy for them

nihaachuu my heart <3
hopetaylor love u niki
nihaachuu love u too hope

karljacobs this is so cute
hopetaylor i agree
user2370 IKR


wilbur | @wilbursoot
hope and i were a little bit apprehensive
about posting our relationship online,
but all the comments and messages have
already been so lovely. thank you.

→ wilbur | @wilbursoot
my best friend is also my girlfriend.
that's pog.

→ hopeful | @darlinghope
i've never had so many likes on
a photo before!!! i'm famous

→ wilbur | @wilbursoot
i knew you were just using me
for clout...

→ hopeful | @darlinghope

→ dream | @dreamwastaken
you both deserve all the love :)

→ hopeful | @darlinghope
my heart is so full, thank you

→ wilbur | @wilbursoot
<3 thank you green block man

→ jack | @jackmanifoldtv
it's what we've all been waiting for

→ tommy | @tommyinnit
wilbur soot finally has a woman

→ user | @user9843
everyone is so happy for you both

→ user | @user5630
it's such a good day

that's the end!
i never intended on this story being long, i mainly wrote it for myself as like a nice wholesome story unlike my others :)
thank u so much for the support and love though, hope you all enjoyed this as much as i loved writing it x

- hello, please check out my dream story if it interests you <3

shiver | wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now