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hopeful | @darlinghope
bestie and sheep. that's it. that's
the tweet.

→ tommy | @tommyinnit wilbur soot is a weird guy

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→ tommy | @tommyinnit
wilbur soot is a weird guy

→ wilbur | @wilbursoot
please be quiet

→ hopeful | @darlinghope
don't be mean, this was the
highlight of wilbur's day

→ tommy | @tommyinnit

→ tubbo | @tubbolive

→ hopeful | @darlinghope
cute, right?
the sheep... not wilbur

→ quackity | @quackity
wilbur is pretty cute too

→ user | @user4728
erm... :(

→ user | @user0938friend

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→ user | @user0938
friend... :(

→ user | @user6783
this made me sad

→ wilbur | @wilbursoot
i personally think this is
instagram worthy, just

→ hopeful | @darlinghope
you post it then!

→ wilbur | @wilbursoot
are the sheep and i not pretty
enough for your feed?

→ hopeful | @darlinghope
the sheep is... you not so much

→ user | @user8492
hate how she just posts him
for likes

→ user | @user9203
but she doesn't...


i actually really like that

that sheep made my day

i want a sheep

i like the photo too :))

i guess it could've been worthy
for the insta

and let's buy a farm

i had a good day, thank you

and let's not buy a farm

don't worry about it, it was nice

this is why you should trust my
driving more :)

also please i want a farm

one of the first times i got in your
car, we nearly died...

i don't trust you to own a farm

you know full well that car pulled
out on me!

but hey, you stayed my friend ;)

and i trust me to own a farm so

i will try to trust your driving
more often, but that's not a

and okay hope, find yourself a
farm to buy

don't worry! i will! 

i'm gonna have so many sheep
and pigs and cows and donkeys
and horses and everything

you cant look after yourself

never mind all those animals



shiver | wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now