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thumb softly swirling over her thigh, his warm breath fanning over her neck, the two of them laid together in hope's bed, her back flush against his chest as wilbur loved to be the big spoon (and hope could not imagine what it would be like to spoon a whole 6'5 man). a random movie played on the tv at the foot of hope's bed, but neither of them paid attention as they were so content together. bill laid beside hope, her fingers softly grazing through his fur, he had grown so much within the last few months. momentarily, wilbur would lean his body slightly forwards, also wanting to feel his cats fur between his fingertips.

they had not told many people about their relationship - apart from family and close friends. they were cautious when they left the house, did not hold hands or show one another any form of affection as wilbur was bound to bump into a fan or multiple. both of them were yet to tell people like tommy and tubbo, niki knew because she had spent time with them and they thought it was best to tell her. but for the most part, it was something they kept for themselves and they were enjoying it.

but at moments they were being too cautious, always worried about slipping up on stream or in a discord call. panic overtook when wilbur was teaching hope how to play minecraft on stream one day, they seemed a little too affectionate with one another at moments because they were still stuck in their honeymoon phase. it caused twitter to blow up, but they simply brushed it off and ignored it, trying to be careful the next time around. or when hope walked into his room, having no idea he was in a discord call about tommy's next mod video, saying "babe, you've got a parcel.". both of them had to excuse it as a joke, saying they were mocking and teasing one another with cringe pet names.

"maybe we should tell them." wilbur hummed into hope's ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

"huh?" she shuffled her body so she was now laid on her back and wilbur stared down at her, "tell who? the fans?" she furrowed her brows, clearly uncertain.

"no, no." he shook his head, holding his head up by his elbow, "i mean all of our friends, you know? tommy, tubbo, george, phil, jack, whoever."

"oh." her eyes widened, the idea did not seem too bad. at least in front of them, at meet ups and on call, they would not have to be secretive. especially with plans to go to a theme park within the next week, they would not be questioned on why they were sharing a hotel room with one double bed or why they appeared much closer and flirtatious, "they're mainly your friends, it's up to you, but i don't mind." she shrugged.

"but this is our relationship. if you don't want to, that's completely fine, we've just been hiding it from them for a few months and i just think with plans and days out coming up, it would be easier." his fingertips found themselves in her hair, playing with strands and twirling them around his finger - a habit he had developed since they got together.

"go for it." hope nodded with confidence, before chuckling, "but make sure tubbo and his loud mouth doesn't blabber it on stream!"

"don't worry, that boy will be sworn to secrecy." he smirked, "we could tell them now?" wilbur glanced at the time, it was 10:30pm so he then went to twitch to see if anyone was streaming and to his surprise - they weren't.

"sure." she nodded her head slowly, "you wanna log into discord on my laptop? or do it on your phone?"

"can i use your laptop?"

"mhm." she smiled softly, she was nervous for the reaction, but they probably won't be surprised. shuffling her body up, she leant down the side of her bed and lifted up her laptop, which meant that bill had shuffled and clambered on top of wilbur who had laid on his back for a split second. chuckling, hope turned and noticed the sight of bill curled up peacefully on wilbur's chest, white fur already covering his navy sweatshirt.

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