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alexa, play control by halsey

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alexa, play control by halsey


"Are you sure about this?"

Steve anxiously peeked over at Amelia as he spoke. The elevator hummed quietly as they made their way down to the floor where James resided. Rogers was undoubtedly worried about her, however, she couldn't contain her growing excitement as the numbers on the elevator gradually went lower. Her belongings were already waiting for her in the guest bedroom and the fridge and cabinets were fully stocked with her favorite items - all of this had to be done while James was still sleeping, of course.

"I can handle myself, Rogers," she reminded him frivolously as she took a sip from her coffee.

She was amused by how obviously nervous he seemed. Steve stood with his arms behind his back, in his usual stance, as his jaw clenched. This made the challenge that more thrilling - this was what she loved to do.

"I know," his eyes gazed down at the floor. "I'm just being cautious. Buck isn't exactly ... welcoming."

"I never expected him to be," she stated coolly.

His head bobbed up and down understandingly, careful to not push on the subject anymore than he already had. "Alright. Let's go over the conditions one more time."

After being briefed on the full history and mental state of James Barnes, Amelia was asked to agree to some terms and conditions in order to be allowed to follow through on this assignment. Despite their attempts at clearly trying to scare her away, she was rather unfazed, still.

"If things go awry, I am to immediately call you. This includes but is not limited to mental abuse, physical abuse, or threats of any kind of harm," she pointed out the first condition with a raised eyebrow, glancing at Steve with teasing eyes.

"Good, what's next?"

"I am to report back to the three of you every ten days to talk about the progress that has been made with James."

"And last one?"

"If there isn't any progress made by the second meeting, this project will be over," she grumbled under her breath. Amelia wasn't very fond of this last stipulation - therapy was not something you could exactly put a time limit on.

The elevator came to a swift stop as the doors glided open in front of them. Steve allowed her to step off first, closely following behind, before guiding her down a brightly lit hallway. The further they walked, the more she could hear faint sounds of grunting and metal clattering against metal. As they entered a modern, grey colored room that held different types of workout equipment, she caught sight of him.

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