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alexa, play does she like it rough? by flavia

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alexa, play does she like it rough? by flavia

DAY 42

The sound of the elevator humming stopped Amelia dead in her tracks as she helped James clean up the kitchen after their late breakfast, her tiny hands frozen with a wet plate still in her grasp. Turning her head slightly, she met James' cautious, blue eyes as they shared a knowing look, the sound of her heartbeat thudding in her ears almost overpowering the elevator altogether.

"They must have found more information," Amelia shrugged coolly, careful not to seem panicked for James' sake, as she finally set the plate in the drying rack adjacent to the sink.

James remained silent, his eyes focusing on the empty hallway, as he waited for someone to emerge from the elevator. What could they be coming to tell them? The information was important enough to tell them now, in person. Perhaps Hydra was here to kidnap James' once more, to take him away and wipe his memory clean as usual.

As Steve appeared in view, James' dread grew stronger in the pit of his stomach, especially when Rogers started to walk down the hallway towards them at an alarmingly quick pace. His face seemed to say it all - his blue orbs seemed sympathetic almost, his eyebrows knitted together anxiously, his hands fidgeting nervously by his sides.

Standing in front of them now, Steve's eyes flickered between James and Amelia, seemingly unsure of where to begin with his words.

"Just say it," James grumbled quietly.

"Nat and the two other agents we had keeping watch on Hydra's movements disappeared this morning, they didn't page in during their check-in time," Steve said rather glumly, his jaw clenching as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

"They're gone?" Amelia asked, stunned, as she reached up to rub the newly formed goosebumps that trailed down her arm.

Steve nodded slowly. "We received a phone call approximately twenty minutes ago from an unknown suspect stating that if we didn't send in The Winter Soldier as an exchange for our agents within forty-eight hours, that they would be killed."

The dread in James' stomach felt like it dropped to the floor completely as he absorbed the news that Steve was telling them, his entire body going stiff as the blood inside of his veins felt as though it was running ice-cold. He hoped that this moment was from one of his nightmares, that he was only dreaming about this conversation instead of living it.

Amelia's eyebrows furrowed deeply as she swayed slightly on her feet, grabbing the kitchen counter with her hands to steady herself as she swallowed the forming lump inside of her throat. "Well, we can't just give him to Hydra," she exclaimed shakily.

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