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alexa, play stick around by envyyou

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alexa, play stick around by envyyou

DAY 48

        Amelia's tired eyes flashed open, tearing her away from another one of her sleepless nights, as she heard the ominous sound of the elevator humming. Flicking the comforter from her body, she twisted her head to examine her alarm clock on her night stand that read 3:55 AM. 

        James was the first thought that appeared in her mind - was it him finally returning home? 

        But if it was him, what happened to Natasha and the two other agents? 

        Swiftly pushing herself from the bed, not even caring in the slightest that she was only wearing a t-shirt that she had stolen from James' room, she whisked open the door and peeked her head out into the dimly-lit hallway - squinting to gaze down the corridor in hopes of her eyes falling on James. 

         "Rose?" Steve called out from the living room cautiously.

        Rogers had been camping out on the living room couch ever since James had left - fully determined to keep his promise to Buck about not leaving Amelia's side. He felt as though it was the least he could do for his friend at this point, especially since Buck was basically risking it all to save three of their own. 

        "Someone is coming," Amelia responded quietly, tiptoeing out into the shadowy hallway.

        Before she could attempt to blink away the darkness in hopes of being able to see a little bit clearer down the corridor to check on Steve's whereabouts, he was suddenly standing directly next to her, tucking her behind his torso protectively as he walked slowly towards the elevator.

        Amelia made sure she had enough vision over Rogers' arm that was hovering warily in front of her as they made their way down the hallway, her heart thudding against her chest, echoing inside of her ears. Her breath halted abruptly inside of her throat as the elevator doors glided open, the light from inside illuminating the corridor, and a flash of fiery red hair exited the box.

        As relieved as she was to see Romanoff alive, it only made her growing fear that something happened to James even worse. It had taken her five days just to make it safely back to the headquarters - something told Amelia that it wasn't just because

        "Nat," Steve sighed deeply in relief as he dropped his arm. 

        "Rogers," Romanoff replied, her eyebrow lifted as her green eyes flickered between the pair. 

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