25 || vanilla

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alexa, play heaven by julia michaels

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alexa, play heaven by julia michaels

DAY 25

        Amelia perched on the white couch, her body bundled up in a cream-colored blanket, completely enthralled in the movie that was playing on the television. Her wide, focused eyes followed the pretty, petite protagonist's movements on the screen like she was seeing the movie for the first time, even though she had seen it a few. It was a film that she felt content watching over and over again without feeling the slightest bit bored.

        She hadn't even really noticed when James' silhouette sneaked into the dimly-lit room, approaching her sitting figure from behind the couch and placing his broad hands on her tense shoulders. Flinching slightly, she peeked up at him through her eyelashes with playful eyes.

        "I've come to realize that you must enjoy scaring me," Amelia scolded dubiously, letting her head fall back against the couch as he kneaded into her skin with his fingers.

        A low chuckle rumbled through James' chest as he leaned down to peck the skin below her ear gently. "How observant of you."

        Amelia's eyes squeezed shut as his lips trailed down her neck, leaving tiny little kisses, as his fingers massaged her. As much as she wanted to drag him over the back of the couch and rip his clothes from his body, her body was not up for another night of being ravaged by James Buchanan Barnes.

        "I can't," she whined softly, her lips mashing together into a thin line.

       She could feel his lips lift into a faint smile as he continued his line of kisses.

        "James," Amelia continued teasingly, putting her tiny hands on top of his. "I really can't. I need a break."

        He stopped rather abruptly, staring down at her chestnut eyes that lifted to meet his own. Amelia could sense the nervousness that showered over him, amused that he worried about whether or not she wanted to be intimate with him. His shoulders relaxed when he examined the cheeky grin that formed on her lips.

        "I'm ... sore," she emphasized suggestively.

        The realization dawned on him almost immediately - his good girl, his Amelia needed a break from having sex with him. The pride that swelled inside of him was enough to boost his ego tenfold.

        "Okay," James murmured gently. "I'll be right back."

        Amelia twisted around in her seated position on the sofa to follow James with her eyes as he walked into the kitchen, resting her head on the back of the couch as she watched him place some popcorn in the microwave and retrieve a wine glass from the cupboard.

        She took her lip in between her teeth to contain her widespread grin as he poured some wine into the glass as the popcorn popped loudly, indicating that it was almost ready to be taken out.

        How ... sweet, she thought.

        With the wine glass in his normal hand and the bowl of popcorn in his metal one, James swiftly made his way back into the living room and handed Amelia her wine with a faint smirk playing along his lips.

        "For you."

        Amelia couldn't help herself as she glanced between James and the glass of wine as she fought back another smile. What was up with her and smiling tonight? She couldn't remember the last time she had smiled this much.

        "Thank you," she breathed, bringing the glass to her lips and taking a sip.

        "What are we watching?" James asked curiously as he circled around to the front of the couch, sitting down in the empty spot next to her and resting the popcorn bowl in his lap.

        Amelia was used to grumpy James, stressed out James, playful James, sexual James, even normal James. But she was definitely not used to vanilla James. She found herself thoroughly enjoying the company of all sides of Bucky these days.

        "You want to watch something?" she asked tentatively, peering over at him as she spoke.

        Her usual confidence and self assurance level was fading once again around him, like it usually did, making her feel like a shy, puny girl. Amelia had always felt assertive in all aspects of her life, but she was beginning to see that being around James made her feel different.

        "I don't watch much TV, so ..." James shrugged slightly, his blue orbs meeting hers. "Show me something good."

        Excitement coursed through her veins as her cheeks lifted for the hundredth time, chewing at the inside of her lip eagerly as she turned off the movie that had been on the screen and switched it to something that everyone needed to see at least once in their life -

        The Goonies.        

        James watched Amelia practically bounce around in her movements with enthusiasm, pleased that something as small as watching a movie together could make her this happy. He wondered if she knew the lengths he would go to just to ensure her happiness at all times.

        He wasn't exactly sure when he came to this conclusion, but he was sure that in this moment, as he examined the smile on her full lips - he wanted nothing more than to make Amelia happy.

        Motioning for Amelia to move closer to him as she started the unfamiliar movie, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, enjoying the way she sank down into the side of his body as she began to dig into the popcorn bowl. Breathing in her vanilla scent, he placed his head on top of hers, relishing in her messy waves.

        The sound of Cyndi Lauper's voice drifted through the quiet ambiance of the room as Amelia snuggled closer into James, the butterflies encasing her stomach and chest at his touch.

        She was content.


short and sweet. i just wanted to take a second to say THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to read this. i appreciate any feedback or votes, tremendously.

thank you guys.

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