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alexa, play umbrella (epic trailer version) by J2 & jvzel

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alexa, play umbrella (epic trailer version) by J2 & jvzel

Three Days Later

DAY 46

James' POV

        "Well, well, well, if it isn't Prisoner five, six, eight, nine, eight." 

        James brusquely sized up the pestilent man standing a few feet in front of him, biting his tongue as he observed his overly-slicked back, dark hair,  scrutinizing eyes that could have passed as black, and his lanky build. He wanted to laugh right in the man's face, but Buck knew that his two guard dogs of men on either side of him probably wouldn't like that too much. 

        This was the man he was forced to wait two days to meet? 

        Shortly after arriving at the coordinates that were given to the team at the headquarters, James was having a brown sack thrown over his head and being shoved into an unknown vehicle. Most of his time was spent on an airplane, that much he was sure of, based on the sound of his surroundings.

        And James was no stranger to the place Hydra had chosen as their final destination - he had been here only hundreds of times before. 


        "Ahhh, you did your homework," James smacked his tongue against his teeth impatiently. "Did you want a congratulations? Or ..." 

        The man eyed his friend on the right side of James, signaling something that he didn't quite understand - not until the butt of the assault rifle said friend was holding came down on the back of Buck's leg, making him fall to his knees with a pissed off groan. 

        "I see your compliance needs to be reinstated." 

         James' blue eyes glared up at the man, the corner of his lip lifting into a taunting smirk. "Who are you again?" 


        James snorted. 

        How original. 

        Another blow caused James to buckle over onto the concrete floor beneath him, the gun smashing against the back of his head this time. Hissing in pain through clenched teeth, he pushed himself irritably from the ground to scowl at the asshole in front of him. 

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