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alexa, play stockholm syndrome by sofia karlberg

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alexa, play stockholm syndrome by sofia karlberg

DAY 27

       James leaned soundlessly against the wall directly outside of Amelia's bedroom, next to the open doorway, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he listened to the sound of her velvety voice singing a song he wasn't familiar with. The enchanting resonance continued for a while, he was unsure exactly how long he had been eavesdropping, too mesmerized by the sound of her beautiful voice. 

        It wasn't until her voice grew closer, Amelia stepping out into the hallway abruptly, that James was ripped from his trance. 

        Amelia immediately stopped singing, her chestnut eyes growing wide with surprise and a tiny bit of embarrassment, as her hand flew to her chest. James admired her succinctly with amused eyes, observing her wavy, dark tresses that fell down her shoulders and around her dainty, purple t-shirt. The light grey sweatpants she wore fell loosely around her curved hips, exposing the tanned skin of her stomach. She always looked so delicious

        "Were you standing out here the whole time?"

        "No?" he answered innocently, the word coming out more like a question, a hint of playfulness behind his tone. 

        She timidly tucked some of her hair behind her ear as she sighed out in annoyance, her arms mimicking his as they crossed along her chest. "Yes, you were." 

        "I came to talk to you," James explained with a faint smirk as he cocked his head sideways, gauging her reaction. "But then I heard you singing, and I just ... wanted to listen, instead." 

         He had to stifle a laugh as he watched Amelia's nostrils flare out irritably as her hands found their way to her hips. Her hazel eyes narrowed his direction as she chewed at the inside of her cheek rather noticeably. 

        "What did you want to talk to me about?"

        "I, uh," James cleared his throat as he pushed himself off of the wall gently, straightening his posture. "Well, I wanted to apologize to you." 

          Amelia examined the way Bucky's blue orbs averted her gaze for a few seconds as he shifted his weight on his feet, before sucking in a deep breath of air and glancing back up at her. Undoubtedly, this had to be a feat for him, he wasn't the poster boy for apologizing or recognizing when he had done something wrong. 

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