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alexa, play demons by vi

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alexa, play demons by vi

DAY 36

        Amelia swirled the metal whisk around the glass bowl, mixing the pancake batter thoroughly as James perched against the kitchen counter next to her. He seemed meticulously interested in the action - his muscular arms crossed in front of his chest, his full lips pursed as his blue orbs studied her as she mixed away. With a huff bursting through her lips, she placed the bowl on the counter before wiping her hands together proudly. 

        "And that's how you make the perfect pancake batter."

        "Hmm," James nodded in agreement. "You missed something." 

        Amelia's eyes furrowed together as she cocked her head to the side in confusion, her kinky curls bouncing around her face. "What? I don't think I did-" 

        Interrupting her completely, with a cheesy grin plastered on his amused face, James swiped some of the batter from the bowl with his finger and pressed it against the tip of Amelia's nose. A melodious laugh escaped his lips, his dazzling teeth showcasing themselves. 

        "James," she gasped, her mouth popping open in surprise at his playfulness, as she wiped the thick residue from her skin - taking her finger and quickly swiping it across James' cheek with a snicker. 

        James' shoulders stilled as his laughter ended, his eyes narrowing at her tauntingly before sauntering closer to her. Both of his wide hands grasped the sides of Amelia's face, pulling her towards him as he smashed his cheek against hers, passing the batter off to her once more. 

        "No!" Amelia squealed breathlessly, scrunching the bridge of her nose as she leaned away from him, the pair chortling uncontrollably now. 

        The sound of the elevator humming as it grew closer to the corridor they were residing in halted the endearing moment, causing both of them to snap their heads to the side, staring down the hallway where the elevator rested. Amelia's heartbeat almost overpowered the sound, pounding softly in her ears as the hair on her neck pricked up. 

        "Someone is coming," she commented quietly, reaching for a kitchen towel to wipe her cheek with, never taking her wide eyes from the hallway. 

        "No one ever comes down here." James' voice was wary. 

        The silence that filled the air was thickening as the humming stopped, the doors gliding open to reveal Steve stepping from the box, his bright, blue eyes immediately falling on James and Amelia. No hint of a smile. No greeting. Just a blank stare. 

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