Chapter Nineteen - Emelia

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Another load of warrior wolves were scheduled to arrive in the evening and Emelia watched from the window of Damien’s office. She had a grand view of the trucks full of men and women unloading the little amount of belongings they had and hauling them into the woods. The first group of fighters to come in set up a sort of camp not too deep into the trees, where all wolves could congregate for food and important announcements. Emelia had asked why information couldn’t just be swapped through the mind-link. Damien had then explained to her that the link was merely a pack-wide tool, unless you were speaking to a mate or were an Alpha. With the amount of people coming, it would be too much of a health hazard to exert so much energy every time he wanted to relay instructions.

        “Once the final batch comes in, we’ll separate the wolves by pack – to train and fight in squads. They trust each other more that way and they’ll have less hesitation while on the battle field,” he had said to her. She understood and agreed with the plan, seeing it as the easiest option.

        She sat perched, legs crossed on the window’s ledge, watching as each wolf was instructed on what to do next. She spotted Damien in the driveway speaking adamantly to Colten who stood to his right. His jaw muscles were tight and his eyes were calculating, watching (and probably intimidating) every wolf that passed him.

        A knock sounded at the door and Emelia spun quickly, preparing for the worst. No one really came to the Alpha’s room unless ordered to.

        “Who is it?” Emelia called guardedly.

        “It’s Faye,” her melodic voice answered.

        “Oh, come in,” Emelia stood, mildly surprised that Faye was coming to pay her a visit. She hadn’t seen her since the night of the party and that had been two weeks prior.

        “I hope you don’t mind,” her head popped in. The door opened wider, revealing a food cart, “but Damien had mentioned he might not make it to dinner with you. I figured I’d step in. If you’d rather eat alone, I’ll gladly take my leave,” she rushed.

        “No, no. Don’t be silly. Come in. We can eat at the coffee table if that’s alright with you,” Faye smiled, obviously relieved that Emelia accepted her offer. A small servant boy that Emelia hadn’t noticed wheeled the cart in and placed all the food-filled plates on the table.

        Emelia studied him, noticing how he wasn’t as timid as the other humans who served. In fact, he held a calm but polite attitude as he finished setting the table.

        “Mason, you may have the rest of the night off to do as you please. Thank you for bringing this up for us,” Faye smiled at him and sent her a grin right back, the gesture surprising Emelia even more.

        “Thank you,” he nearly skipped out of the room, leaving the cart behind so that the dirty dishes could be piled on after the meal had been completed. Emelia watched him until the door closed, confused.

        “He’s mine,” Faye mused, giving Emelia a sly smirk. Her graceful fingers whisked up her fork as she examined her food.

        “You’re mate?” the blonde tried to hide her astonishment.

        “No. Goddess no,” Faye giggled, her hand lightly clutching her chest, “He’s my personal servant. I find it’s easier – they know how I like my coffee and such. And I know they are being treated well if they are solely under my command.”

        “I like that,” Emelia found herself saying.

        “Like what?” Faye asked.

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