Chapter Ten - Emelia

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She stared at the phone in her hands for quite a while. Her mind was trying to wrap itself around why Damien   would let her have this freedom, especially after she rejected him in front of his beta. She didn’t know why she had allowed Damien to kiss her or why she kissed him back. It was like there was a carnal part of her that needed to be appreciated by him – physically and mentally.

                Colten had told her that Damien was probably nearby and because of that she felt a little violated, but she understood why he would take the precaution. She would’ve done the same thing – if that person were a hostage of some sort. Half of her felt like that was what she was to Damien – a hostage. She was being kept there against her will and if anyone were to attempt to rescue her they would be dead before they could call her name.

                On the other hand, though, she was appreciative of the inch of slack she had just received on her leash. She was allowed to call anyone. Anywhere.

                Her fingers trembled while they dialed the number and she didn’t know why. She wrote it off as the phone started to ring. The device was held to her ear and waited.

                “Hello?” The voice sounded innocent and cautious. It was how she trained her family members to answer the phone because anyone could be calling.

                “Gam,” Emelia breathed, “It’s Emelia.”

                “Emelia! Jesus Christ, you’ve had us worried sick. The Blade has been trying to track you and Micheal has been keeping us informed. Where are you, sweetie?”

                Emelia’s ears perked when she heard that people were searching for her, “No Gam. Tell them to stop looking for me. They can’t. I’m fine.”

                “What do you mean you’re fine? One day you go to work and you don’t come home. The next thing I know Micheal is telling us that the headquarters got invaded and the wolves took you with them. How am I supposed to assume that any part of that is okay?” Gam seemed flustered and upset and Emelia gulped.

                “The wolf that took me,” Emelia started. She glanced out into the woods, trying to spot a pair of familiar brown eyes, “He’s my mate.”

                It killed her to say it and an immense emotional pressure was sitting on her chest. It crushed her heart and made her lungs stop working while her ears waited for a response. The line was silent for a while before her relative spoke.

                “Are you sure?” Her voice was low.

                “I’m positive.”

                “Oh Emelia,” Her grandmother sighed. The blonde could imagine the old woman covering her mouth in surprise, “I don’t know what to say.”

                “Don’t say anything. I-I don’t want to stay here,” Emelia stuttered, “It goes against everything. All the things my parents taught me. Jesus, what would they think? I’ve worked so hard, Gam.”

                Emelia’s bottom lip started to quiver and she bit it to hold in a sob. She wasn’t one to cry. She was the one who aided the crier in getting out of a situation.

                “Emelia, cut the crap. You know your parents would’ve loved you no matter what. Sure, this is a little,” she paused, “speed bump. But you are their daughter. You would’ve meant more to them than some stupid rebellion,” the woman laughed.

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