The Decision (Mei POV)

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The last rays of sunshine quietly came through the glass-panelled window of the young princess's bedroom, casting a pinkish, almost golden glow in the dark room. The only sounds that could be heard was the quiet sobbing of a black-haired girl in the corner. Why she is sobbing you ask? Well, its because last night her grandfather had given her a decision to make that could save her kingdom and people but could also make the girl live her entire life in misery. Yes, I am talking about the girl with eyes like amethysts, hair as black as midnight and skin as white as virgin snow. The girl, or princess rather, was none other than Aihara Mei.

Mei choked back another sob and tried to strengthen her resolve as she remembered the conversation with her grandfather yesterday:


" Mei, as you know, we have been at war with the kingdom of the Okogis for 5 years now. Recently though, an entire 35% of our land was taken over by them. And the most shocking part is that even with half of our army fighting there, an Okogi general single-handedly destroyed all of them. This general always fights alone, and comes at the last moment when the Okogi army is about to retreat ,and turns the table. Due to this, it has become impossible to stop the advances of the Okogi kingdom. However, a messenger from the Okogi court came to our kingdom today. He carried a message from their king, where the king has suggested an alliance between our kingdoms." After saying this, Neji Aihara gave a long sigh. Mei, being the intelligent girl she is, immediately understood the situation. " I understand Grandfather. You want me to get married to the Okogi prince so that an alliance is formed, am I right?"

At this, Neji could only nod shamefully, knowing what he was putting onto the shoulders of the 17-year-old girl. He said, "Dear granddaughter, I am truly ashamed of the burden I am about to put on you, but it is your choice nonetheless. The people of our kingdom is suffering and this might be the only way.Only you Mei, can save us and our kingdom from this life of fear."

Flashback ends

After crying for about an hour, Mei heard a soft knock on the door. Furiously wiping her eyes, she uttered a soft 'Come in'. Out came a teary-eyed Himeko and and a stoic faced Harumin. These two have been Mei's closest friends since childhood. Himeko was Mei's maid and Harumin was her guard. Though some might say it was hilarious for a princess to be friends with people below her status, but Mei did not care. These two were there for her when the whole world turned her back no her. Himeko rushed to give the girl a hug, but was rejected to do so by Mei. "Oh Mei-Mei! How I wish I could make you run away with me to the ends of the Earth. There we would live happily and you wouldn't have to be plagued with so many responsibilities". Hearing this, Mei gave a sad smile and said, "Thank you dear Himeko. But you and I both know that such a future is impossible." Turning to both of them, she then said, "Thank you both of you, for always being there for me". Finally, Harumin said, "Mei, we came here to tell you that your presence has been requested by the King." Mei nodded, and said, "Very well, let's go".

Mei reached her Grandfather's chambers. Getting a 'Come in' from him, went inside with shaking kneecaps. She saw her grandfather sitting down and reading a letter. Seeing Mei there, Neiji motioned her to sit beside him. Taking a deep breath, Mei spoke, "I have came to a decision grandfather." Neiji already knowing the caring nature of her grand-daughter, had anticipated what she was gonna say. "I have decided to get married to the Okogi to bring peace to the land of the Aiharas".(The Aiharas don't know who Yuzu is, so they are guessing that the gender is a guy). Slowly nodding his head, Neji looked at his grand-daughter. Mei was surprised to see unshed tears in the face of the strict King. "Mei, oneday, you will become a great Queen. Your parents would have been proud of you". Wiping his eyes, he said " There's another letter from the Okogi Empire. They say they would like to formally meet the royal family of the Aiharas. Therefore, we both are leaving for their kingdom at dawn tomorrow".

After coming back from her grandfather's room, Mei collapsed on her bed. It had been a long day and tomorrow, the first chapter of her new life would start. With that thought in mind, Mei sank deeper into the mattress of her bed, since this would be the last night of her sleeping in this castle.

Hey wonderful readers! Thank you for reading the first chapter of my story, "The Emperor's Heir". I will be updating at-least once a week so don't be disheartened.

Stay safe💙

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