The Questions

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Its been a week since the incident. Things seem normal in the Okogi castle. The wedding preparations, council meetings , training and all other stuff has kept everyone busy. Everything seems peaceful, except for the mind of the raven-haired princess. Mei had several questions swirling in her mind about none other than her blonde-haired fiancé. She wanted to ask Yuzu but didn't know how to approach the subject.


What happened that day? What is Yuzu's other side? And why was everyone so scared ot if? What's a war god? Why did Yuzu change like that? Why did all of them had to stop her?......

I feel like my mind is gonna burst. I will have to start asking for the answers.

3rd Person POV

Mei's head buzzed with these questions. She wanted to ask Yuzu but the blonde was somehow always busy. Unable to resist not knowing any longer, she went to Blake's office one day and knocked on the door. A 'come in' came from inside and she quietly opened the doors and stepped in.

Blake was sitting on his desk, with papers and maps all over the table as he inspected a symbol closely. He looked up when Mei came in and said "Ah Aihara-san. And what do I owe this pleasure?". Mei detected a little iciness in his voice, but she couldn't blame him, she did slap his best friend. "Kurusawa-san, I am here to inquire a few things about Yuzu" she said. "Hmm so now you wanna know? You done fucking that boyfriend of yours?" came another voice from behind Mei. Mei looked behind her and saw Matsuri, carrying a few books. Mei kept quiet, thinking she probably deserved this for acting so foolish. Matsuri deposited the books in Blake's table before looking at Mei. "So what is it that you're here for?" Matsuri asked. Mei looked up and replied, "I wanted to know why all of you had to stop Yuzu and why she went to that state."

Blake and Matsuri looked at each other and Blake took a deep breath. "If you want to know fully about it, you will have to ask Yuzu herself. We can only tell you the things that we're allowed to disclose." Mei nodded, "Yes please." Then Blake started, "When Yuzu was a kid, she had to undergo extensive training, which resulted in her being an excellent swordsmen. Then, one day she was sent to a mission, to retrieve the Sword of the Heavens. It is the strongest and deadliest sword in existence. While on her mission, she met the guardian of the sword, who challenged her to a duel for the sword. Yuzu accepted, knowing she was going to be killed if she didn't defeat the war god. Their duel lasted for 3 hours, since both of them were excellent swordsmen. Finally, Yuzu managed to catch the god off-guard and disarmed him. The god told her to kill him, but she told him, "Are you kidding? That was the best duel I ever had. You are so powerful!" The god smiled, satisfied that he found a new wielder of the sword, and dissolved, leaving her with the sword. Just when she touched it, a powerful lightning fell on her. She survived, but the soul of the god transferred inside her. So now, she has 2 souls in her body. And every time Yuzu is furiously angry, or someone disrespects her, the soul of the god takes possession. The war god soul is so powerful that if Yuzu activates it properly, she can destroy a whole kingdom by herself."

After Blake finished, Mei spoke up, "Has it ever gone out of control?" At that Matsuri said, in a low voice, "Once. 2 years ago, a guy had punched her because she was protecting a woman from his abusive husband. The guy who punched him was the husband. And when he punched her, Yuzu's war god side activated, and she picked him by his throat and squeezed so hard that the guy's neck snapped instantly. Yuzu was finally able to control herself, but she was scared that she had killed a man so brutally. That's why everyone had to stop Yuzu when you slapped her."

After hearing that, Mei shivered. Blake noticed this and asked her, "So are you scared of her?" Hearing that, Mei thought about Yuzu. Her smile, her voice, her personality, how she protected her, and then said "No. I'm not" Matsuri nodded and said "Good. You got guts, gotta tell you that. Slapping the 1st General takes a lot of courage." And then she and Blake chuckled. 

Suddenly, a knock came. Without hearing a reply, Yuzu barged in the room. "Hey Blake I need information about the symbol I told you to inspect" Then, her gaze fell on Mei, and she said, "Woah what are you doing here?" Mei replied, smiling slightly, "Just asking some questions"

Then after that all of them talked for a while before Yuzu said, "It's getting late. Come on Mei, let's go" and when they went to their room, Mei pulled Yuzu's hand and brought her closer. She flung her arm across Yuzu's neck and pulled her down for a gentle kiss. After that, Yuzu smiled and told Mei good night as they fell asleep. Just before drifting off, Mei hugged Yuzu gently and whispered, "You don't have to be scared anymore. I'm here now." 

Sword of the Heavens (btw this is an important sword, it'll be mentioned again as the story progresses) :

Sword of the Heavens (btw this is an important sword, it'll be mentioned again as the story progresses) :

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