The Day Before

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The wedding was finally happening! The whole castle had been decorated grandly due to this. All around the kingdom, there was a sort of excitement in the people, they were very happy to see the honest and handsome princess finally getting married. The people of the kingdom loved Yuzu and had wanted to see her with her bride. That is why it was planned that after the wedding there was going to be a huge ball where everyone would wear carnival masks and dance with their partners.

This idea was Blake's , since he's the one had to plan mostly everything. Yuzu was suppose to contribute too, but the General was too preoccupied with her fiancé most of the time. Blake didn't mind though, he was happy Yuzu had finally found someone.

Blake POV

'Tomorrow's the wedding. I have to make sure Yuzu tries on her suit today so that if their are any measurements wrong, they can fix it. I'll have to tell Yuzu to make sure Mei tries on her dress too. We don't want any complications. Also yes, the evening Ball. Everyone needs to dance with their partners. Oh wait, I don't have one-' Just as Blake was thinking, he realized he didn't have someone to dance with.

He shook his head slightly and thought out loud, "No this is Yuzu's big day. The big idiot will probably have a panic attack or something during the ball. I shouldn't worry about myself. She has always been there for me with her 100% and tomorrow I will be there for her all the time. Now I'll recheck the guest list for the Ball. Oh wait there's two more? They seem to be added last. Yuzu must have added them. The names seem to be of a French businesswoman and her assistant. Seems like Yuzu wants to expand our trading regions"

Smiling slightly, Blake again went to work, ticking off the items on his to-do list for the day.

3rd Person POV 

Yuzu had not expected this. Right now, she was trying out her suit in front of a huge mirror in the tailor's workshop. The Royal Tailor, Maruta Kayo , was making sure all the measurements were perfect and the suit 'suited' her perfectly. Yuzu looked at herself in the mirror and realised how different she looked than normal. She asked Maruta, "Maruta-san is this suit a bit different? Cause after wearing it I feel kindda changed." Maruta smiled , and said, "Yes actually Yuzu-san. This suit was designed using the same material as your father's wedding suit, your grandfather's wedding suit and so on. This fabric is only found in the Okogi kingdom, woven with a special type of yarn which has a bit of platinum and gold minerals into it and the designs are encrusted with diamond dust." Yuzu raised her eyebrows at this and her face broke into a smile. "No wonder I thought I looked different, I feel like my father!" Both of them shared a laugh. "Well Maruta-san I must be going. The wedding's tomorrow so I wish to enjoy the last day of my, what's the word? , ah yes, Bachelorette, in peace and not burdened with work stuff" Yuzu said, in a light-hearted tone. Maruta though, furrowed her eyebrows at this. "Are you regretting your marriage with Aihara-san tomorrow?" she asked, in a low tone. "What? No that wasn't my intention at all to sound like that. I just meant that after getting married to Mei, I won't be what I am right now. I might miss this life a little but I'm excited and maybe a little nervous about the wedding tomorrow. But that's it, I don't feel any regrets" Yuzu said hastily. Maruta's expression cleared and she smiled slightly, and put a hand on Yuzu's shoulder. "I see what you mean. It's obvious to be nervous before one's wedding. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions." Maruta said to Yuzu, who shook her head. "No it's my fault to have phrased the sentence like that Maruta-san. "Anyways I hope to see you tomorrow at the ball. At least I'll have some moral support incase I get too nervous haha" Yuzu said and then she took her leave. 

Meanwhile Maruta got lost in thought, "Hmm go to the ball? But who should I ask to dance with me?" Her thoughts were interrupted though by a soft knock on the door, and peeking her head in was the future wife-to-be, Mei Aihara. Maruta smiled softly and got to work.

Matsuri POV

I was walking down the hallway to reach Blake's, since the we both wanted to wish Yuzu a good luck for tomorrow and not freak out. Goddamn she's lucky. Getting married to such a hot princess like that. Speaking of hot, I think I see Harumi over there. Time to get a date for tomorrow. 

I walked towards her from behind and lightly cleared my throat. I was thinking of what to flirt with her today about when she turned to look at me with a worried expression. Immediately, all my thoughts about asking her to dance went away as I wanted to know why she was worried.

"Hey what happened? Why do you look so worried Harumin?" I asked her gently. She slightly shook her head and said, "My elder sister is coming tomorrow, at the wedding." Oh that was it? I asked again "Is that a problem? Does she hate Okogis?" She said, "No, but she wants to see how much I have progressed since we came here. She wants to see how strong I've become." I quickly replied, "Well that's not a problem. You can show her those new tricks you learned. And you have become stronger Harumin. 2 months ago you couldn't last 10 seconds against me in a sword fight but the last time we trained, you threw my sword out of my hands. If that is not improvement, I'm not sure what is." Harumin seemed to be happy to hear that. "You know what? You're right. I'll show her how much I've improved. Thanks Matsuri." "Not a problem. But uh I was wondering-" She cut me off and said, smiling slightly, "If i would like to go to the Dance with you?" Shocked, I stuttered , "ye-yes" She smirked and leaned down slightly and pressed her lips on my cheek, "I'd love to" she whispered in my ear. I shut my eyes at the sensation of her hot breath on my ear but when I opened them again, she was no where in sight. Wearing a grin, I marched to Blake's room, feeling happier than usual.

Welp what's all yall. And yes, I died for a few weeks and am terrible at fulfilling commitments. Peace out! 
Btw next chapter's the long-awaited wedding woohooo.

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