The Mistake & The First Kiss

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The first thing Mei noticed when she woke up was that she wasn't in her room. Then she remembered all that happened and turned to see Yuzu but was faced with an empty bed , "She's an early riser" thought Mei and went to freshen up. After getting ready, she was thinking about where to go but then suddenly a knock interrupted the silence. It was a white-haired maid, and she said that Yuzu had told her to escort Mei to the dining hall when she wakes up since Mei's still new here. While walking to the dining hall , Mei asks the maid the whereabouts of her friends and Yuzu. The maid replied, "Princess Yuzuko is at a council meeting at the moment. Some kingdoms are against this alliance and are therefore causing problems. Ms. Taniguchi is with the 2nd General, Matsuri-san, and she took her to the arena and both are now practicing with each other and Ms. Momokino is possibly still sleeping."
Before Mei could ask more about the council meeting, they had arrived at the dining hall and to her surprise she saw that red haired man from before, Blake Kurosawa.
"Ah! Good morning Aihara-san" said Blake the moment she entered the room. Mei bowed her head a fraction and said "Good morning"
While having breakfast, all they talked about was the council meeting which Yuzu was attending. Mei found out that this type of meetings were almost regular for her fiancé. She had also inquired about the arrival of the other Royal Guards and Blake said that they would arrive soon. After having breakfast, Mei was about to leave and go find Himeko but then Blake stood up and quietly said, "Please take care of Yuzu, Aihara-san. She might be a General to others but she's actually kind of sensitive. She always tries to carry the burden herself and keeps bottling emotions in her heart. As her future partner, I hope you will be able to fall in love with her and stay by her side. I wish you both good luck." And after saying that, he exited the room.
Mei then stood up and went to find Himeko. After she found her in the gardens, they decided to go to the library and read some books. After staying there for quite awhile, a soft knock interrupted them. Standing there, towering above her, in a white tux and grey turtleneck , was Yuzu. Mei blushed slightly at the sight of her, thinking that Yuzu was hands down the definition of Royal, hot and sexy.
Yuzu softly said a "Hey" and sat down beside her. Himeko was gone at that moment since she went to get some tea. "How was the meeting?" asked Mei. "Oh so you heard? Well if I'm being absolutely honest with you, it went like crap. They were literally chewing me out for marrying you and now its given me a headache." said Yuzu calmly, though her voice was laced with annoyance. Mei then saw that Yuzu had a sword strapped to her left. Yuzu saw Mei looking and took her sword out. "This? Oh this is one of my seven powerful swords. This is the fifth, The Sun Sword"

Mei was impressed seeing the sword

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Mei was impressed seeing the sword. Suddenly a knock interrupted them. The Pink haired general came and said "Yuz uncle's calling you" and then left. Yuzu turned to Mei and said "I better get going. See you in the evening Mei-san" and with that she left.
A few minutes later Mei decided to go to her room and was reading a book there when someone knocked on the door. Giving a reply, she was happy to see a brown-haired guy coming inside the room. "Haruki, its so good to see you." Haruki came over and hugged her and said , "Your grandfather sent us to protect you. Are you ok Mei? That Okogi bitch didn't hurt you, did she?" said Haruki, and Mei replied, "No she didn't hurt me, but she acts distant." Haruki caressed Mei's face and held her waist and was about to kiss her. Mei was surprised since she didn't have her first kiss yet but was resisting less since they were secretly dating from a past few weeks. Suddenly they both froze seeing Yuzu, Matsuri, Blake, Harumin and Himeko at the door. All of them except Himeko and Harumin looked at Yuzu in fear of what she will do.
Yuzu had a poker face on and silently walked over to Haruki. Mei thought she was going to kill him right there . Yuzu was towering over the both of them , since she was very tall. Yuzu then kept a hand on Haruki's shoulder and said, "I know you love her but she's my fiancé now . We have to get married so I suggest you never do these things in the future . If my father or grandfather was here, you would have been killed without even seeing the blade. You're lucky I don't resort to violence so easily. I also want you to know that while I'm a princess, I also am the First Battle Commander of the Okogi Empire. Please do not waltz into my room without thinking next time."

*Swear warning*
Haruki was about to leave when Matsuri and Blake all of a sudden punched him. Matsuri shook his collar and said, "You filthy piece of scum. How dare you tried to kiss Yuzu's fiancé! You fucking asshole!" and then let him go and Haruki walked out the door, shaking in fear.
Blake and Harumin had to hold back Matsuri from punching Mei. All of them were looking at Mei in a disappointed way, except Yuzu, who had a poker face on and was looking at Blake. And then Blake said "I am gravely disappointed in you, Aihara-san. You have broken the trust of the Okogi kingdom before you could even earn it." Suddenly Mei bowed and requested, "Please do not tell this to anyone. I will never talk or look at him again. And the alliance will be broken and war will be upon the Aihara kingdom." Matsuri interrupted her and said, "That's not your decision to make, you fucking slut!" Finally Yuzu spoke up, and said in a voice that sent chills down everyone's spine " Matsuri, please do not utter such words. And as for this incident, we won't say anything to anyone since the alliance effects both kingdoms. Now, everyone please retire to your respective rooms, its late."
After everyone left, Mei heard Yuzu sighing. She turned around to see Yuzu with a sad look on her face. Mei then said, "I really am sorry Yuzu. I hope you can forgive me." and after saying that suddenly she started crying. "I-I am such a h-horrible person. You trusted me and I j-just" before she could finish she got enveloped by a pair of warm and strong arms. "Shhh it's alright. It's true that scene hurt me a bit, but I hope it won't happen in the future." And Mei kept crying for like an hour "How can you be so calm?!!" said an emotionally unstable Mei. Yuzu softly replied,  "Like I said before , it's how I was raised. To never show any emotions to anybody."
Mei then stopped crying and looked up, she saw Yuzu's brilliant emerald eyes looking at her since they were still hugging and she understood that she was starting to fall for Yuzu. Without thinking, Mei pressed her lips on Yuzu's , feeling how soft and warm they were.
Yuzu suddenly became aware that Mei was kissing her and grabbed her waist, making the kiss deeper. All of a sudden, Yuzu pulled back. Mei blinked in confusion as to why Yuzu let her go. She looked at Yuzu and saw Yuzu looked very pale and her knees were shacking slightly. Mei went to say something but Yuzu spoke up, "W-we should go to s-sleep now, it's getting late and I want to take you out to a tour of the kingdom tomorrow."
They both went to bed facing the other direction; "She was my first kiss!" was what the both princesses were thinking before drifting off to sleep.

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