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The plan wasn't the hardest thing on earth. After some talking to Jessie, seeing to whatever I could do to make this plan work even better, we figured out how we were going to work it.

This is how we were going to do it;

The great list of things to make Ben confess his feelings;
1. Peaches (you'll find out later)
2. A little bit of pushing him and teasing him
3. A lot of winking and simple gestures
4. c o m p l i m e n t s
5. Little things, e.g.; drawing little patters on his hands with my fingers, while he's talking to me
6. Maybe a little flirting (perhaps with other people?)
7. Inviting him over to hang out at my apartment (and then showing off my amazing physics/math skills)
8. Always waving at him whenever I see him, and smile
9. The move [you'll see]

I was hoping to get him to confess his feeling. I didn't want to push him too much, or irritate him though. I just wanted to get together with him, and perhaps with a little bit of having fun of my own. I was genuinely wondering if my list would work, and worst case scenario, I have to confess my feelings to him, which isn't that bad, right?

Step 1 of my plan would be executed tomorrow, when Ben had an hour in between. At this time he usually sat at a random table on set, or outside at his trailer. Either way, I'd have to be in his line of vision, so he'd see me.

Step 1 was simple, I was just going to eat a peach so he'd see me, now you might think; 'but Nyx, a peach isn't very interesting!', and you're completely right, it isn't, the only exception where peaches are interesting were with people you had a thing for. You see, peaches are reasonably soft, they let go a lot of juices and you'd have to wipe your mouth the whole time, right? Also it could get kind of messy, so do you see where I'm going with this already? I was hoping at some point it'd get Ben to feel a certain type of way, the type of way where he'd want to confess his feelings and be with my, catch my drift?

Then, step 9 -which needs a little bit of elaboration-. It's a reasonable simple move that I learned from a friend in high school, it's pretty helpful. When you're standing close to him (or you go ahead and stand close to him), you tell him something's on his shirt, you pick off the imaginary speck of dust, and say you need to fix his hair, which you do. You brush your hands through his hair, and slowly move them down to his neck. You let your hands linger on his neck for a while, then take then off of his neck, and compliment him. Like: 'you look good', or 'I like your sweater'. Then you just turn and walk away like nothing happened.

This move has had a lot of effect on the men I've flirted with, it's a total power move! I didn't date a lot of people in high school though, I was always busy doing my homework. I was honestly just that kid; quiet in class and good grades, not a lot of friends, but just one or two close ones. You know, right?

The rest of my list were easy things, waving and smiling, not hard. What was a bit tougher though was the whole hand + drawing thing. It worked like this: when you're talking to your guy, you should definitely listen to what he has to say, but you ask him this: 'can I have your hand?', he will probably respond with a question like 'why?', and you'll simply say; 'because they're pretty.'. After he gives you his hand, you take it and put it palm up -or down, doesn't matter- in your hand, then you just simple start following the lines of his hand with your finger, or you start trailing the outer corners of his hand, while you're still listening. You don't want him to think you're not interested, right? Maybe you start drawing little figurines on his hands, or anything that just involves small toch, really.

I wasn't entirely sure about the whole 'flirting with other people (?)' thing, but i would've loved to see a jealous Ben, even if it was just once, but I was quite curious to see how he'd respond. I was genuinely wondering if he'd send death glares, come up to me after I'd done it, come up to me and stop it while I was flirting, or [worst case scenario] do absolutely not one thing about it.

That was basically my whole set up plan, with the help of Jessie -which I really appreciated-. Now it was just time to actually get this plan out there. I was honestly a little bit scared, but I thought I'd be able to do it with the help of some others.

Tomorrow I'd begin with a couple of phases, just eating a peach, waving at him whenever I saw him, complimenting him, a little teasing during lunch nod just doing little things for him.

I hadn't decided when I was going to ask him to hang out at my apartment just yet, but I'd get there. I thought I was just going to ramble on about dinner at my place, until he sort of invited himself to come, I wasn't very good at asking people to hang out, and I completely sucked at asking people on dates, so rambling it was!

After I'd written down everything on the list I made sure to hide it away, like very well, like lock it in a locked box, and lock that locked box in a locked drawer in my desk that was standing in my locked office, you know? I didn't want people to find that list, because I was sure I'd just die from second hand embarrassment right on the spot.

Tomorrow was the day. The plan would be set in motion.

-1035 words-
Boy, I've got P L A N S for this book! You won't believe it :]

To my dear 105 readers;
Thank you so much for 100 reads! I appreciate every single one of you for taking time out of the day to read my story.
Remember you're loved... by me (and many others)!

Leave a comment, vote, anything you like! Keep reading for some major plot twists, no spoilers though :-)

Oh, and in case I don't see you; good afternoon, good evening and good night. <3

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