Chapter seven: New friends

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~GFred's POV~

"Y'know?" I asked. "Know what?" GBon replied. "I think you have a point! I wasn't thinking! I just let my anger move me, until you helped me calm myself down! I'm so sorry! And thank you too!" I exclaimed. Just as we were talking, the manager came into the backstage. He then walked out of the curtain just as Freddy and the gang finnished their song. He then started to look around. Then, he suddenly glanced at us as we hid in a dark portion of the room. He then gave a evil grin and walked out of the room, into his office when... RINGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

He got a call. The caller then said,"He's here." I looked cross as I wondered, what does he mean by, "He's here"? Just then, the door opened and I saw a kid walk in straight into the manger's office.

I quikly ran to the wall outside the managers office. I listened. "Hi, you must be the new night guard! I'm glad to see you! What's your name?" A night guard??? I thought.

The conversation continued. "I'm Mike, Mike Schmit!" the new kid said. "Well, I look forward to seeing you tonight. Someone us gonna call you tonight! He'll help you out for tonight! The past night guards just disapeared and /or vanished! I don't know what happened to them. But for sure your a smart kid. So just sighn this contract and come back here before 12:00!"


I watched as the kid walked into the door and into the security room. I asked GBon,"Hey! Wanna have some fun?" "Sure! But what are we going to do?" he asked. I replied with a big, michevious grin. "We'll only play around with Mikey!" "Oh!" he said. "I know what you mean!" he replied with the same grin I gave him, but with the rubbing of hands. I could tell that he already was excited. I walked into the poster where Freddy's picture was and was teleported into Mike's room. "AAAAHHHHHHH!" he screamed.

He emmediately put the ipad into his face, trying to hide from me.


~Freddy's POV~

"Who'se he? He's not one of the new animatronics. And why does he look like my golden version?"

I wondered as I peeked into the room. Then, suddenly, he disappeared! I looked around the room if he hid anywhere inside. But he was'nt there! Then, I heard a wisper..."Meet us at the backstage." the voice said. Curious, I turned around and saw an image of what seemed to be a golden bunny in the darkness. Then, just like the golden bear, it vanished into the shadows. I quickly gathered the gang and went backstage. I said,"HEY! WHOEVER IS IN THERE, COME OUT AND FACE US!" I said trying to insult them. They went out and frightened us. THUD! I heard. Chika had passed away! I then said, stuttering,"W-w-what a-are you g-g-going t-to do with u-us?" He then stared at me "Please, don't be afraid!"

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