😈ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5😈

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Belch Huggins is driving his Trans Am to the Sewers, rock music on.

"The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say

I don't share your greed, the only card I need is the Ace of Spades

The Ace of Spades"

From the driver's side, Belch is looking at Henry with a worried expression. When his friend is like that, nothing good is to be expected. Last time, after much thought, Henry decided to hurt Ben Hanscom, because he hadn't let him copy the last assignment of the end of the year. Henry had to attend recovery courses all summer, and his father punished him severely. The next day, Belch noticed bruises and scratches on Henry's arm.


At least, this was Henry's original plan. But when they caught Ben outside the library (it had been pretty easy considering the boy's size), Henry's face lit up with a crazy light, and he started carving his initial on Ben's stomach with his knife.

"What we're gonna do with the book?" Victor asks.

He caught Patrick's attention; his hand touches the lighter he has in his pocket.

"I have an idea"

"We won't set it on fire" Belch interrupts him. "You heard her, the books belongs to the school's library, we could get into troubles".

He looks at Henry, waiting for his approval, but the boy is staring at the horizon, silently.

They overtake the Losers on their bikes, and Henry throws a beer cap at them. The cap hits Eddie on his forehead, who starts crying, more because of the amazement, than real pain. The gang laugh, it lightens their mood.

"I don't know what we're going to do yet" Henry says. "I have to think about it. In the meantime, the girl will keep begging me. I don't mind the idea".

While they are coming back home, Mary Sue felt that there was something strange about Angie. She is always the same cute and smiling girl, but her beautiful smile does not extend to her eyes, which remain thoughtful.



Angie turns around.

"Are you sure everything is okay? You look very thoughtful today. Is it because of what happened yesterday?"

"Oh well I..." She looks at Mary Sue's eyes and she cannot resist anymore, she has to tell someone.

"Oh well you know, it's about Bowers, something happened this morning..."

"I knew there was something"

Angie tells her about the book and how she tried to have it back.

"But, you know, he didn't want to give it back to me, so..."

"God, he didn't force you to do things, did he?" Mary Sue asks her, worried.

Angie blushes "No, no, nothing like that...It's just...I just humiliated myself...and nothing has changed."

Mary Sue is looking at the road, after a while, she replies: "You know...maybe there is a way".


She smiles.

"Well, you know that my dad works in the police district, right?"

Angie nodds.

"He knows Sheriff Bowers quite well"

"Oh no Mary Sue, we could never ask his father, please, it would be too embarrassing, they would think I'm a child"

"It's not that" Mary Sue says. "My father works in the police district, and I know their work shifts, for example, on Wednesday, they're busy the whole afternoon"

"I know" Angie does not understand.

"Well, you know, generally, when Sheriff Bowers leaves, it's time for Henry to hang out with his gang".

Angie begins to understand.

"So, if him and his father are not home..."

"Oh no we won't break into their house, are you crazy? That's private property! The neighbors might see us, and sue us, and we might have problems in the future, not to mention your father is a cop, do you realize the scandal? No thanks, but I just can't". Angie is shoked, what the hell is she thinking?

"Ok, first of all they live in a farm in the middle of the fields, the only house in the neighborhood is that of the Hanlons, and relax, with your innocent doll face nobody would ever denounce you!" Mary Sue laughs.

"Why're  you laughing? That's serious staff!"

"Well, Angie, on Monday you'll go to the library and tell Mrs. Young you lost her book. She won't probably consider you an exemplary student anymore." She waits for her reaction.

"I..." Angie starts "Well listen, I have to think about it, ok?".

The next day at school, Angie is tense, but Dewey Conroy greets her next to the lockers.

"Oh hello Angie, how are you? You dance with Liz, Liz Conroy, right? She's my sister"

"Oh yes I know her" she smiles.

"I just wanted to ask you...well, we can go out sometimes if you want..."

Angie blushes, Dewey Conroy was asking her out? "Well thanks, it w-w-would be nice"

("God, I sound just like Bill Denbrough")  She thinks, a bit ashamed.

"Oh, Mary Sue is there, sorry, I have to go! Thank you again!" He smiles, showing his dimples.("Why is he so cute all the time?")

Mary Sue is particularly happy that morning. "Good morning, my partner in crime!" she screams, caughting the kids' attention.

"Sssh for God's sake! Shut up!" Angie looks around worried.

Mary Sue laughs at her. "Relax, it's just a joke. So, are you ready?"

"Ready? What are you talking about?"

"Our plan"

"What? Are you crazy? No, today? Absolutely no, these things should be planned long in advance, we must be careful, we can't improvise"

"Ok Angie, let's wait a week, then you won't have time to read the book and deliver the essay on time, moreover..."

"Ok, ok" Angie snorts.

"Besides, if you keep postponing you will never do it"

Angie sighs.

"Do you want Bowers to win?"

Angie thinks about Bowers and his arrogance, the way he humiliates his brothers and his friends.

"He needs to learn the lesson".

Mary Sue smiles, excited "Angie Tozier, welcome to the bad side ".

𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚎 😈𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙷𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 😈Where stories live. Discover now