😈ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17😈

510 12 7

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Angie breathes deeply as he's moving his fingers faster, she closes her eyes and her mind is clouded. There are just the two of them now, in that empty art classroom, surrounded by tempera paint. She holds his shoulder stronger as she bites her lips to prevent moaning.

When it's over her cheeks are red, and she puts her skirt down and tries to fix her hair. She looks at herself in the window pane and her heart thumps: her cheeks are red, her eyes sparkle, her hair is poofy. 

"Oh, God" She thinks. "I look like someone who just had..." her cheeks are now purple and she's glad it's dark inside the room. Patrick is smirking, looking at her, almost like he's reading inside her mind.

I'm pretty sure he knows how to do that too.

He keeps teasing her, making her uncomfortable on purpose, while he touches the surface of the desk. "Hey, you made a mess" he says, with an evil smirk, pointing at her juices on the desk.

"Oh, please!" she whispers, at this point she just wants to disappear.

He lifts her chin: "Hey...I like it". He says, as he kisses her.

"Oh my God" Angie thinks again "I will never come to  this class anymore".

She stops in the restroom to wet her cheeks and fix her hair before coming back the main hall with the other parents. As she sits down she is relieved to notice that almost everyone is busy focusing on Sheriff Bowers, no one looks at her.

"Are you all right?" Her mum whispers.

Angie nods without looking at her. She can't look at her mum, not now, while she notices Patrick in the room again (I mean, considering his height it's impossible not to see him).

(I just kissed Patrick Hockstetter)

She thinks about his words. She doesn't know how to react, it's exciting and scary at the same time. Mrs Young keeps talking as the parents look at her, Angie looks around: Eddie's mom, Miss Kaspbrak, is frantically taking notes on a small notebook, Gretta is playing with a lock of hair, twisting it around her finger, Sally is chewing her chewing gum next to her best friend, some rows behind them Mary Sue is looking outside the window, lost in her personal world, and certainly thinking about the infamous blonde who was not at the meeting and who was probably making nasty plans with his gang in that right moment. Angie looks at Sheriff Bowers and for one moment, their eyes meet.

Those cold ice blue eyes pierce her soul, and she starts sweating, uncomfortable.

("Yes, Sheriff Bowers, I admit it. I did things with Hockstetter in that classroom"

"I broke into your house when you were working"

"Your son kissed me, better saying, harassed me, behind the school")

And that feeling scared Angie, she had always been in control of her body and mind, but that power was slowing disappearing. 

It's ok, Angie

Everything is going to be all right.

And while she was trying to reassure herself, she feels someone staring at her, the back of her hair is burning, like foreign eyes are penetrating her nape to force into her mind and read her private thoughts. With a shiver, she doesn't need to turn around to realize it's Patrick

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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