Dancing with Their Own

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"So, Nong. Have you decided?" Mae Yui asked.
"Yes, I have" Krist replied making the others anxious.
"So...?" P'Jane walked up to him.
"My decision is that I'll join" Krist told them with a soft smile as the three people in front of them rejoiced. Krist had saved the day. He recalled what had happened in Singto's dressing room.

(Krist's POV)

I had stepped into P'Sings changing room very nervously but was surprised to find P'Gun and P'Off there as well. They seemed to be practicing the last bits of the dance. Upon my sight, the three had visibly beamed.

"Nong Krist, come on over. Help Singto out with his duet performance. We are unable to do that because his dance partner is yet to arrive" P'Off said taking P'Guns hand and moving to a side leaving space for me and P'Singto on the other side.

P'Singto efficiently took me in his arms, wrapping an arm across my waist while the other picked my hand up and placed it around his shoulders. Then the song began and he looked up with a handsome smile, making my breath fade. We started moving to the beat. Initially, it was a slow dance but by the end, it got fast and racy. Therefore, as it came to and end, the four of us were laughing our hearts out. We had somehow managed to find the funny part in all of it.

"Damn, I wish you were dancing with us, Nong. #1 You're too good. And #2 You make it so easy" P'Gun whined reminding me about my original motive again.
"Same, i know right!" P'Sings words caused my heart to skip a beat. He started turning away but I pulled him back. I'm sure P'Gun and P'Off would be weirded out by this.
"Then, will you dance with me?" I asked. P'Sing let out a breathy, nervous chuckle but I only spoke it again, clearer "Will you?" He connected his eyes with me once again. His eyes are really beautiful and they always leave me spellbound.
"Well, if I can. I would love to, Nong" he had spoken with the same firmness as I had asked. I gave him and the others a huge grin before announcing the decision.
"Then, I shall dance with you, hehe" I sheepishly spoke stepping away. The three men in front of me looked confused "Your dance partner, P'Kim couldn't make it because of a family emergency so they wanted an immediate substitute. Guess who it is?" I grinned pointing at myself as the others hooted in delight.


I had no idea I was smiling to myself until Mae Yui pointed it out "Nong, out of the dream world! Dont get so happy. It isnt easy when you're on a stage facing millions of people!" She seemed to be trying to jokingly pin me down. I chuckled making her return it.

"Okay okay I'll go tell Khun Tha this. He'll be delighted. Nong, you go and stay with the others. Rest before the event begins" P'Jane said as all of us nodded together.
"Phi, i'd rather stay here and help. I'm good as it is" I told him and he gave me a smile, nodding in understanding before leaving to get Khun Tha.

---Skip to The Fan Meet---

My heart was hammering against my chest ten times its usual speed. I had oh-so-courageously agreed to do this but the stage fright and nervousness was killing me. I've always had this weird thing, although I dont really care about people in personal matters but whenever I am on a stage or I am giving a presentation in front of a number of people, I get easily frightened. It is just that because I go on a stage to present myself for them, I dont want them to be disappointed by it. I nervously rubbed my hands together and tried to calm my erratic heartbeat. We still had twenty minutes to go before I'd go for my performance with P'Singto. Right now they were having an introductory session with the Host, P'Que.

"Nong, come on. Why are you still in the changing room? Lets go. You can see the event from backstage. That way you can also go up on stage without any hassle" P'Jane approached me. I actually stayed in the boys' changing room after wishing them good luck and was watching the interview from the screen here. I nodded at P'Jane before walking out with him.

I Only Ever Had Eyes For You (Peraya/KristSingto)Where stories live. Discover now