A Man on a Mission

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I woke up to someone petting my hair. I adjusted my eyes to the light before they stopped on her smiling face. My head was in P'Noons lap while her fingers raked through my hair massaging my scalp. I couldn't help but give her a guilty look to which she made me sit up and engulfed me in a hug.

"Nong, if you are feeling guilty for looking after the love of my life at the expense of your suffering then you really shouldn't" P'Noon spoke, her words causing me to smile.

"Khopun na, P" I whispered back, hugging her tightly.

Our little moment came to an end as P'Nim stepped into my room with three cups of hot chocolate and the desserts I brought earlier. The glee must be visible on my face because P'Noon pinched my cheeks chuckling. We all cuddled up in my bed playing the new movie that P'Noon brought for me for the rest of the night.

The next morning, I woke up fresh and feeling amazingly good. I was in the mood to play dress-up. I went through my closet and went for a white shirt and a red thin jacket to top it. I styled my hair slightly and even wore some accessories that were gifted to me by P'Nim. For the first time in my life, I borrowed some lip balm from my Phees and put it on my lips to make them extra pouty and pink.

Because today I was a man on a mission and my mission was to be as available for Singto Prachaya Ruangroj as possible. For all the past days, P'Sing has been anything but mean to me instead he has made me feel things no one ever has and has shown his trust and faith in me. All this time, with the lump of P'Noon and P'Sings assumption that I had created, I couldn't give my love, support and affection back to him. From now, I will do it like a boss. Without any worry or hesitation.

I skipped my way down the stairs, greeting my two Phi's happily. I had breakfast with them throughout which they teased me about being extra dressed and inviting today. After finally getting rid of them, I drove to the GMM building. I saw that P'Janes car was not there and hence, I concluded that the two of them were not here yet.

Although, as I stepped into the office, I was taken by surprise. P'Singto sat there in front of an IPad doing weird movements as if following something on it. My barging in had grasped his attention as he looked at me a little embarrassed before shutting off his IPad. We both greeted each other before I went ahead and sat next to him. But I couldn't keep my eyes of off him, he looked damn hot.

He was extra dressed up today. He wore a white dress shirt that was buttoned up to his neck, tucked out and bottomed with black skinny jeans. A necklace hung down from his neck and his hair were gelled back in a perfect quiff. He also had the cutest glasses on his face and his damn face, oof as usual, I could swoon over him for decades and still not be bored.

"P'Sing what are you doing here so early and where is P'Jane?" I cleared my throat before asking him, trying to act casually.
"Oho. You called me P'Sing today" he said teasingly as I passed him a playful glare to which he raise his hands in a surrendering way "I had to give a presentation in my university today, early around eight. So I had woken up early, got dressed and went there. I was done by nine, nine-thirty so I decided to come here by myself. P'Jane will be here around his usual time" he then informed me as I nodded but then pointed to his IPad.
"What were you trying to follow?" I asked him, slightly amused at how he instantly looked embarrassed.
"I was trying to rehearse the dance that we did yesterday. I don't want the others to be scolded or kept back because of my slow learning" he shrugged, turning his IPad on again. For some reason, the way he spoke melted my heart. I felt so much for him. I quickly stood up pulling him with me.
"Come on, P'Sing. I'll help you rehearse, I remember all the steps" I made him take position as he nodded a little taken aback at my sudden vivacity, probably.

The next hour or so was full of laughs, fun and good times. I and P'Sing rehearsed, talked and did so much more. It felt so good. It was exhilarating, honestly. I was so close to him and there was nothing between us. It felt like the air between us had just changed entirely, we had turned from two unknown boys to two best friends. He kept telling me little things about him from his childhood about dancing, his hobbies and his singing while I shared some of my own, both embarrassing ones and those to be proud of. I never wanted this time to go away. I wanted him to stay by my side, like this, forever, smiling, in my arms.

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