Working for Him!?

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I nervously stepped out of the car, fidgeting with the keys before I finally managed to be able to lock the car and walk away from it. Walk would be the wrong word. More like, trudge away from it. It was like my entire being was slowed down as I merely walked to the building towering over me. Relax, Krist!

But how could I? See, there's something you should know. Apart from the interview, there's something else that is making me even more nervous. More like someone. And that someone is none other than the great Singto Prachaya Ruangroj. Yes, the famous, popular and highly successful Thai actor. The most beautiful of them all. The one that not only girls but guys alike swoon at. The one who has those captivating black beady eyes and absolutely breath taking smile. You would never expect someone like me to be a fanboy or have a celebrity crush but this side of mine only comes out for one person and he works in this building! And I was scared to death to even catch his poster looking at me let alone catch his own sight.

My heart was thumping loudly, REALLY loudly in my chest when someone's touch on my shoulder caused me to shriek out and jump. I turned around holding my heart as my eyes came across a wide-eyed Off Jumpol. My eyes widened as I could feel my face turn red in embarrassment.

"Kh-Khun O-off, Sw-swadee kr-krup" I stuttered making me even more embarrassed. A chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head and ducked my face to avoid even mire embarrassment.

"Swasdee krup. Please call me P, Nong?" he questioned as I answered.

"Krist. Krist Perawat" I offered my hand to him that he gladly took smiling ear to ear.

"I apologize for scaring you, Nong" P'Off began but I quickly shook my head.

"No, P. You didn't scare me. Instead, I am sorry for jumping up like that. I was in a thought so- I am sorry" I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck trying to clarify my part.

"Okay. Okay. I just approached you to ask if you are alright? You look pale" P'Off asked me concerned as I gave him a small smile. This man was not only known to be sweet and kind, he actually really was like that too. No doubt, Singto hangs around with him so much.

"Yes, P. I am fine. Just a little nervous. Thank you for asking na" I bowed my head at him.

" No problem, Nong. What are you doing here though? This is the first time I have seen you" P'Off asked me.

"I am here for a job interview" I informed him as his mouth turned in an 'o' shape as if in realization.

"Aha. You must be here for the post of Assistant for P'Jane. He is the only one who needs one anyways" P'Off gave me a wide smile as I am sure my eyes grew the size of saucers.


"Eh Nong? Are you alright?" P'Off brought me out of internal volcano that was this close to bursting out.

"Krup, P. I am okay. Can you guide me to where he may be?" I asked trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Of course, I am headed that way as well. Come on" he nudged me to follow him as I obliged.

Okay, Krist. Relax. Calm down. You can do it. So what if P'Jane is Singto's manager? You just have to work with P'Jane and do that part of the job. You don't even have to spare Singto a glance. You can do this! And don't forget, you are doing this for P'Nim and P'Noon as well. Nothing matters more than them, okay. Not even your life long crush on Singto Prachaya Ruangroj. I calmed myself internally reminding myself about P'Nim and P'Noon constantly when we came to a halt in front of a room.

I Only Ever Had Eyes For You (Peraya/KristSingto)Where stories live. Discover now