No, it can't be

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After everything that happened at the workshop and with the interview, I decided to head over to my friend, Mike's house. He had recently finished working on '2Gether The Series' with GMMTV so I was going over to his place to learn more about the brand and everything else. As much as I knew about the faces of the channel, I was hardly aware of its orignals and since Mike had worked for more than a year with them and that too closely, I knew he could help me. I stopped in front of his house taking a deep breath before heading inside. Let's start working.


Almost after an hour or so, I stepped out of Mike's house with a whole lot of information in my head. Mike also helped me understand the very basics of things managers and staff are suppose to do. Since I was new to the whole entertainment industry thing, his guidelines and information really helped me. At least now if P'Jane or someone asked me something related to my job, I could tell them what it entails.

With that, I zoomed the car towards my favourite dessert place. I decided to buy myself, P'Nim and P'Noon some good dessert with my money as a treat although, I know when I get home and give them the news, I'll immediately be tackled into numerous treats, dinners and buffets. Oh and mind you, when they get to know I'll be working with P'Singto...oof I could feel my palms sweat.

Thinking about P'Singto reminded me of our exchange earlier. I never thought P'Singto was the kind of guy who became so attached so instantly. He seemed to not even let go of my sight. I wondered what caused that. He is not really the open types and that is what P'Jane told me as well. Maybe, P'Singto liked me. Maybe not. Maybe he was just treating me nicely because I was P'Jane's assistant and a new member of his staff. He is the generous type anyways. His actions from earlier caused me to blush. The way his hand never left mine. I wish it could be that way forever.

I sighed before parking my car and getting out. As I neared the shop, my eyes narrowed looking at the figure sitting behind the glass window of the shop. It was P'Noon. She was wearing black sunglasses. But she was not alone. Alongside her was a guy that looked familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it.

I wanted to go inside and greet her but something inside me kept me from going and I stood to the side watching the gleeful conversation happening between the two. I wondered who it was that P'Noon was talking to this frankly. She is not the one to welcome strangers and neither does she have any immediate family in this city. Questions and anxiety gnawed at my insides until a gasp escaped my lips.

The guy whose back was turned my way had leaned forward kissing P'Noon on the cheek while she cheekily smiled at him. No, it can't be. P'Noon couldn't possibly be going out with someone else while she was still in a relationship with P'Nim. Could she? No, no. They loved each other to much. P'Noon could never cheat on P'Nim.

I felt blackness take over me as my feet staggered. I willed myself to walk away from the scene but not before I saw P'Noon casually caressing the man's arm as he looked out towards the window. Just then, I felt my whole world fall apart. The man sitting in front of him was none other than the man I had been in love with for the past three years. Singto Prachaya Ruangroj. He sat there, right there, smiling ear to ear.

I couldn't do it anymore. Unshed tears pricked my eyes as I dashed from the area to the car, almost vehemently roaring the engine to life as I sped it away from the place that left me more than just heartbroken. I felt betrayed. But at the same time, I couldn't believe it.

Maybe they were friends? Long-lost cousins? Relatives? Maybe, they were just talking? I tried everything but it didn't work. P'Noon couldn't possibly be related to P'Singto because I clearly remember P'Nim telling me that P'Noon had no family in the city and her relatives were hardly a few. P'Noon was brought up an orphan from the age of ten. And if P'Singto was anyone P'Noon knew than she would've surely told us because although I never openly admitted, everyone knew how I worshipped the man. But she didn't which meant she was keeping it a secret. And if they had just met, P'Singto wouldn't be sitting there, laughing, having a coffee with her alone. He would at least have someone like P'Jane around. But no one was there which meant only one thing that it was planned and it was suppose to be secretive.

I Only Ever Had Eyes For You (Peraya/KristSingto)Where stories live. Discover now