My Life

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The alarm clock blared on my bedside as I twisted and turned in the bed. I don't want to wake up! Just get the signal already! I shouted profanities in my head until I finally gave up and raised myself above my headboard to shut the alarm clock off. A small smile took over my features as I looked at the cloudy sky from the window right above my head. I loved my bedroom for this very reason. I quickly sat up in the bed, smiling at the blue sky. The weather outside could instantly change the weather inside me and there was no doubt there. I let out a yawn and stretched myself before realization hit me and I sprang out of my bed. I had an interview today!

I rushed to the washroom, thanking the Lords that I had prepared my clothes and everything the night before. After quickly taking a nice and clean bath, I stepped out of my shower room and started styling my hair. I was going to interview for an Assistants position for the Manager of an actor at the famous Entertainment Channel called GMMTV. I still don't know who I am interviewing for but I am trying to look as stylish and handsome as possible because as much as I know, the industry needs a handsome face every where right? I let out a sigh after taming my black raven hair into a side fringe and applied a few drops of moisturizer. I am not a huge makeup person but P'Nim says I should put on a cream at least.

I buttoned my skinny jeans and tucked in my dress shirt. Assessing my appearance in the mirror, I didn't look half as bad. I was wearing yellow and white striped shirt with a few buttons opened on the top, my hair were side parted neatly and my shoes- SHIT! I FORGOT THE SHOES. I quickly ran around the room, throwing everything and anything everywhere and anywhere trying to find the one neat pair of shoes I owned for any formal occasion but my panic rose when I didn't find them anywhere. My eyes moved to the clock that said 8:45 am. My interview is in exactly forty five minutes. I quickly rushed down the stair bare foot hoping that P'Nim would know where my shoes are.

"P'Nim! P'Nim!" I yelled as I came across her flipping pancakes in the kitchen. She turned to look at me confused "Swadee Krup" I did my wai that she returned as I asked "P, have you happened to see my Superstars by an chance?" A small chuckle escaped her lips as she shook her head at me.
"My poor Nong. It's outside. Remember, we decided I'll keep it in the sun early in the morning so they could look brighter?" She reminded me as relief washed over me. I let out a breath before thanking her.
"Khopun na, P (Thank you)" she nodded at me before I again ran upstairs to my room.

I looked around and quickly tidied up my bed and other belongings before grabbing my sling bag and putting it on along with my clear glasses. I gave myself one last look in the full-sized mirror right besides my room's door before breathing in and leaving the room. Today will be good, I hope.

I walked my way down again this time beaming when I saw P'Noon already in the kitchen helping P'Nim out.

"Swadee, P'Noon" I wai-ed at her smiling as she returned it.
"Swadee, Nong Krist. Are you ready for the big day today?" She asked me excitedly as I nodded a little nervous.
"Krup, P. Let me get my shoes from outside and I will join you at the breakfast table" I told her as she nodded in affirmative.

I skipped out of the house and to the garden where I saw my shoes were bathing under the white clouds. I chuckled. Too much to get them to look nice. I quickly wore them before heading back inside and joining P'Nim and P'Noon on the table.

"Oho. Someone looks hot" P'Nim whistled lowly as my ducked my head, clearly shy.
"Hot? No na, Nim. Nong Kit looks cute as a cherry" P'Noon added on as the two chuckled at my red face.

"Will you two stop teasing me, P? I am already quite nervous" I mumbled biting into my chocolate-laden pancakes.
"Nervous? Oho Nong. You look absolutely amazing and Imports sure you'll bring back an appointment letter home with you" P'Nim shook her head head at me, even more confident than my own self.
"Agreed. Just be yourself. I'm sure, if nothing else, that will get you in" P'Noon spoke as I looked at my two mother's with nothing but love and gratitude. I did not know what I did to deserve them.

I Only Ever Had Eyes For You (Peraya/KristSingto)Where stories live. Discover now