Feralus AU

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Feral + Primus ( Prime ) = Feralus

Feralus AU is an alternate universe where the gormiti characters are dino hybrids.

I have two settings for this AU.

Setting 1, Modern setting.

The dino-hybrid gormiti characters live on an isle that is separated from other lands. They have no idea what the outside is like. And one day a group of normal gormiti accidentally end up on this Isle. And the normal ones have to survive in order to not be killed.

Setting 2, Fantasy Setting.

In a fantasy setting, the dino gormiti live in their own world, where there are many enormous lands, that are like the lands in normal gorm. Earth land, Air-Land, Water land, etc.

Each land has many different and unique areas, and each area is owned by one clan. These clans take are named after the area they own and live in.

Like for example: Swampland has many areas, Bog, Marsh, Bayou, Mire, etc. In the Marsh area, there lives a clan called the Marsh clan. And in the Bog area, there lives a clan called the Bog clan. Do you get the point?

And the dino gormiti who live in this setting is an intelligent society. What I mean is that they have trading, education, traditions, cultures, and many more.

There are also dino gormiti who don't live in clans, and there are reasons for that.

Reason 1, They like to live like lone wolves. There are dino gormiti out in the land that doesn't like to live and feel trapped in a clan, so they leave that clan to live a life of freedom. They are also called Lone Riders because they like to live alone and go around and explore other lands.

Reason 2, Sicklings. Sicklings are Dino Gormiti who got sick or infected by something that doesn't have a cure to it, and they are banished by the clans because of that because the clans don't want them to infect and spread the disease to the other clan members. Over time, the disease will make the sick dino gormiti go insane, feral, and out of touch. They will attack whoever is in their way. And that's how they become a Sickling. The best way to help a Sickling is to kill it.

If a non-infect dino gormiti gets a bite or scratch from a Sickling, they must imminently be taken to the healing center and be treated instantly before the disease takes over their body.

Reason 3, They have been banished because of a reason. A dino Gormiti can be banished by their clan because of a reason. Like maybe they have been banished because they did something horrible, or they have been conspiring with an enemy clan.

But if a dino gormiti is banished for a silly reason, like someone accused them of doing something and they get banished over that. Luckily, the banishment over that will only last for a couple of days and they will return back to their clan. However, the accuser will face justice and will probably also be banished.

Reason 4, They leave because they need to learn. Some Dino gormiti leave their clan for either their reason or for the leader's reason. They go out in the open world and travel around the lands learning about the other clans and how leading a clan works. They will return when they believe learned enough. This process will take many years. And this how most leaders in clans did before they became leaders.

Reason 5, Rogues. Rogues were former Lone Riders who decided to choose a path of immoral. They steal, kill, and even take over clans. It is believed that the reason for their actions is because the world has been unjust to them, and they decided to let the world believe that they won't be treated badly. Luckily some Rogues are changing their ways and are either become a member of their former clan or return back a Lone Rider.

Reason 6, Hunters. Hunters leave clans to collect food for the clan. But sometimes, hunters won't return in a couple of days or weeks, because they are in a big hunt and will return with a giant feast.

Examples of Dino Gormiti

Zambak ( Left) and Vernon ( Right )

Zambak ( Left) and Vernon ( Right )

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In this AU Vernon is a T rex. He lives in a clan called The Marsh Clan. This clan lives in an area that is a giant Marsh, hence the name Marsh clan. The clan owns this area. He usually meets many hunting groups from other clans that will settle down for a bit before moving on. He has a partner in the Marsh clan named Lunara, which he hangs out with, for now, they are seen as close friends, but will eventually end up together as a couple.

He and other members protect the clan from Rogues, Solo Riders, Enemy clans, Sicklings, and many more. One day, when he was new to protect his clan, he and another guy were ambushed by a Sickling who almost killed the two. The sickling punched the guy, and he fell on the ground unconscious, Vernon went ahead and jumped into fighting the Sickling. He knew he had to be careful because Sicklings carry diseases and unwanted bacteria. But The sickling was too fast for Vernon so he ended up with many scars on his body. The Sickling was going to tear Vernon's heart out but lucky for Vernon, a few Adult members came and killed the Sickling. Vernon and the unconscious guy were immediately sent to the healing hut, where Vernon spent there for a month and the guy only spent there for three days.

After that, Some of the scars Vernon got healed, but others like the one on his chest stayed. Though he did notice that having these scars made him more attractive to the females and even some males in the Marsh clan. Over time Vernon learned from his mistakes and got better and better. But he also learned that there were bad creatures out in the lands, and he met one that just so happened to be related to his mate, Lunara. And their name was Zambak. He didn't like her because he knew that she was dangerous, but it's better to be friends ( Or acquaintance) with her than enemies.


In this AU Zambak is a compsognathus. In her younger days, she used to live in the Bayou clan with her Great Great Grandmother Nympha, who is the most powerful being in all the Swamplands. Zambak left the clan when she turned 15 and became a Lone rider. But she would sometimes visit the clan for holidays or rest there for a while. The reason she left was that Nympha told her that she could learn something from the other clans since she was going to be the next leader of the Bayou clan. She traveled and explored different lands. She meets many different clans, such as the Meadow clan, Cascade clan, Bog clan, and many more clans. She also visited clans that she had cousins in, like her two cousins that live in the Marsh clan, Kellen and Lunara.

During her traveling, she makes mistakes and happens to make enemies with some people, she befriended others and scared the rest. She also got into fights and got some scars, and she goes back to her clan to stop her new scars from bleeding. She also wants people to see her as a crazy, ditzy, weirdo person. She acts all nice and weird to make people think she's dumb and too innocent. But in truth Zambak is a heartless, Unempethtic, sinister, mean-spirited, Spiteful, and Psychopathic Dino Gormiti. And she's pretty good at hiding it all behind that innocent mask she puts on. She follows the rules of nature, and one of those rules is ' kill or be killed ' . One day she visited the Marsh clan and bumped into Vernon who at first thought she was just a random Lone Rider, but she gave him a strange feeling. A feeling that was trying to tell him that she was not normal and was dangerous. Then her cousins showed up and they introduced her to Vernon. Vernon decided to befriend Zambak.

Zambak is a mysterious figure in the Lands, only a few clans know she exists and fears her. All and all she's an individual who you shouldn't cross with. 

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