The Swamp Kingdom Map

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The Swamp Kingdom is not normal like the other elemental kingdoms

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The Swamp Kingdom is not normal like the other elemental kingdoms. It is filled with mysteries and the people who live there can transform into swamp beasts by will.

The kingdom is known for being 10 times more dangerous than the others because it is riddled with diseases, danger at every corner, and creatures that will kill you for no reason. Nature there is very unforgiving, in other words, hostile to any outsider who dares to venture into the kingdom.

The Swamp Kingdom has four leaders, each ruling over the four districts in the kingdom. The districts are also known as sides and areas.

There is the North side, East side, West side, and South side.

South of the Swamp Kingdom

Leader: Zahara

The South is warm and moist and covered by many blue-green trees. The swamp people who live there are known for being born with bright and vivid colors, depends on what plant and flowers they are based on. The district is also where the swamp people get most of their fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc. It also has many small rivers hidden by tall and thick trees, and only the big ones are visible from the sky.

West of the Swamp Kingdom

Leader: Ragtail

The West of the kingdom is both warm and cold. It has many lakes, rivers, and open areas to gallop on. The rivers from the west reach all the way to the sea, meaning that a lot of fish will swim into the western rivers and reach the other districts. The Swamp people there are born with dull and bright colors. It is also a great area to hunt for bigger animals such as deer and boars.

East of the Swamp Kingdom

Leader: Carpus

The East side has dull dark swamp forests where the light barely touches the ground. It is known for having the biggest hunting grounds because animals from the forest sometimes move to the east. The Swamp people there might live in a kingdom with dark forests, but they are born with bright and dull colors just like the others. It is also known for having a small restricted area called Bayou Bones.

North of the Swamp Kingdom

Leader: Helmer

The North is a little more harsher than the other sides, because of the big and deadly animals and the cold snow. The swamp people who live up north are taller and stronger than the rest of the people. Instead of being born with one plant, they are born with two, one is a normal plant that can grow in northern areas, and the other is a deadly plant that can be used as a weapon.

The Heart of the Swamp Kingdom

The heart ( the middle area), is the safest place in the kingdom. It is surrounded by a wall made out of wood. The walls outside are covered by spikes that are smothered with blood, and sometimes have an animal corpse hanged up to rot. It is the only place safe for the parents to birth and raise their children since the rest of the kingdom is extremely dangerous. It has everything, from libraries to food stands.


Each district has its own castle in which each leader resides in.

King's top

King's top is used by the three Northern swamp clans as a resting area or settlement. The area is located on the north side of the Swamp Kingdom. It is also used as a training place for younger clan members. And sometimes used for discussions between the clans.


The Outskirts surround the whole kingdom, approximately 2000 swamp people live at the outskirt to protect the rest of the kingdom. They protect it by redirecting outsiders to go somewhere else, instead of entering their kingdom. The swamp people who live in the outskirts also dress up to look like the forest by wearing shoes to hide their clawed feet. Filing down the claws on their nails. Not talking too much, to not reveal their pointy teeth. And dressing in bright green colors.

Bayou Bones

Bayou Bones is an area located on the east side of the kingdom. It is known for being the most restricted area in the whole kingdom. No one is allowed there, not even the swamp people. It has a cave entrance shaped like a skull.

The shape of the Districts

The districts are supposed to resemble four beasts in a curled-up position.

Snowbird Cavern

Owner: Freya

Snowbird cavern is the biggest cavern on the north side. It is located near the north castle. The cavern is used by the north warriors as a resting place, spa, food area, bar, etc.


Unlike the others, Northern swamp people aren't born in the heart, rather they are born in the north caverns. There they will spend a few years with their family, and once they are old enough, the caverns will be visited by one of the three clans, and the clan leaders will take in new young members, to train them into warriors.

Wall Entrances

The wall that surrounds the heart ( the middle) has 5 entrances.

No nobles and royals

The Swamp kingdom and its people don't believe that royals and nobles should rule over the kingdom. So, instead of a royal family ruling the kingdom, four leaders who are experienced and know what they are doing rule the whole kingdom. Also, most of the swamp people hate Royals and Nobles because it's a waste of time and it's not equality in their eyes. Basically, everyone in the swamp kingdom lives equally. So, royals and nobles don't exist in the swamp society.

This pyramid chart can help

Instead of using gold, silver, and bronze money as currency, the swamp people use everything from meat, fruits, berries, small fish, insects, shiny pebbles, and the most important of all, Tuna

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Instead of using gold, silver, and bronze money as currency, the swamp people use everything from meat, fruits, berries, small fish, insects, shiny pebbles, and the most important of all, Tuna.

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