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Name: VericeGender: MaleGormiti type: Ice gormitiAllies: Nightriss, Ironfang (BFF), and Zambak

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Name: Verice

Gender: Male

Gormiti type: Ice gormiti

Allies: Nightriss, Ironfang (BFF), and Zambak.

Personality: Flirty with girls. Laidback. He doesn't care much about people he doesn't like. A little bit crazy. Reckless. Finds destroying things satisfying. Aggressive towards his family. Rebellious. Creative with his ice powers. He's daring when it comes to doing dangerous stuff, like climbing a high mountain or even swinging from a tall tree. He loves to tease people, just to see their reaction. He sometimes gets serious when he fights a random enemy or when he fights one of his family members. He's a thief, who likes to steal valuable stuff from other people. And lastly, he can manipulate people by being social and nice, to get what he or his friends need.

History: When Verice was young he was always known as the trouble maker in the village he grew up in. Most people say that it's his parents' fault because they didn't raise him the right way, and they're not wrong. Sure it was his parents' fault, because they were always so strict with their 4 kids, especially with Verice. They would force him to behave properly around the village, if he didn't he would be left outside with dangerous animals. Or other punishments he has never forgotten. All these punishments from his parents finally made him the person he is now.

One day when he was out and climbing on the highest snow mountain (he does that to get away from his parents or trouble) He noticed that the snow on the mountain was about to fall, so he made sure that he was not on the way and moved away quickly. He then hung on to a rock and watched as the snow fell and created an avalanche. It was the most powerful avalanche he has ever seen in his life. He looked as the avalanche buried anything that was in its way, trees, rooks, and animals. After seeing all that, he thought to himself, that it looked really fun. Not only that but when the avalanche buried everything in its way it did not stop. It was like it was free to do whatever it wanted. He thought about himself as the avalanche. Maybe the Avalanche (Him) wanted to fall because it wanted to escape from the mountain (His parents). But, he thought it was dumb so he left.

Over the years he became more rebellious against his parents, having had enough of his parents' strict dumb rules. So, they gave up on him. Which meant that he could do anything he ever wanted. He did some small stuff in the village, for example, stealing stuff, destroying things, and scaring people by crying out that there was a monster near the village. The people had enough and threatened his parents that if they didn't do anything then the family would be banished from the town. So, his parents did what they see as the only logical thing, they kicked him out. And since nobody wanted to help him, he had no choice but to find a way to take care of himself.

Living outside in freedom was fantastic, with no rules, no parents, no angry village people. One day when he was minding his own business enjoying the fresh cold air, something attacked him, it was a giant snow beast. When he was trying to fight it something inside him unlocked, and the next thing he knew he froze that bear into ice. He was always the late one in his family when it comes to powers. His siblings got their powers earlier than him, he was the third child, so he was pretty late with his powers.

It was easy at first using his powers, but then things went downhill and he had to learn fast to use them. After a couple of months of hard training and destruction, he could use his powers. So, he used his ice powers for doing bad things. He first went to the village he grew up in and destroyed a house, luckily nobody was in that house. He liked the sounds of the destruction around him and the power he had over this place, feeling like they all deserved it after not helping him at all. But, eventually, people in his town called his other siblings to take care of him. He ran away because they got their powers early and they knew how to use it. And because he could have died if he stayed to fight.

After what happened at the village, he started to spend his time surfing on avalanches, creating statues out of ice, training himself, and cause trouble in other villages while avoiding his. But, all the trouble-causing made him a target for his siblings, so he had to hide away in a cave for a while. Later he met Nightriss and Ironfang. They asked him why he was hiding, he in return told them about his parents, siblings, destruction of the villages, basically his whole life. They did need one more person on their team, you know the more the merrier. So, they befriended him.

After Nightriss told him and Ironfang about her plan to take over gorm. He and Ironfang didn't agree. But, after she told them that they could get whatever they wanted, he thought about his family, and how he could have his revenge on them. So, both agreed on her plan.

Later they met Zambak, and it only took a few weeks for him to be interested in her. Why? Well, he found that her wilder side is interesting and attractive. But, a year later they got captured by gormitis who heard about them. He was sent to a gigantic prison that was built inside a mountain. He tried to use his powers. But, nothing happened because he had something around his arms that kept him from using his powers. He spent two years in that prison until his friends came and freed him. Now he follows Nightriss and does whatever she asks him to do.

Likes: His favorite animal is the Passerine bird group, especially the barn swallow. He likes to create stuff out of his ice powers. The sounds when something, like for example a building falls. Destruction. To tease people. And insulting people's fighting techniques.

Dislike: Devan, because he likes Zambak. His Parents, they groomed him and his siblings to become weapons. When people tell him to stop using his powers or stop destroying stuff. His siblings, he no longer sees them as family.

Enemies: Anybody who stands in the way of Nightriss plan. Vernon, Reed, Sorrel, Wisteria, bluebell, and especially Devan (because Devan loves Zambak, but Verice doesn't want him to have her). And his own family.

Love interest: He flirts with any girl that looks beautiful to him. Zambak, he tries to impress her by destroying stuff, or by making pretty sculptures out of ice, for example, a rose either frozen or made from ice that he later gives to her. He also flirts with her a lot, even when Devan is near enough to hear them. And when he flirts with her, he compliments her on her looks and her wild/crazy style.

Abilities: He can create weapons out of ice, like hammers, daggers, swords, scythes, etc. He also knows melee combat. He can blast his enemies with snow. He can freeze people. And lastly, he can create a shield or a wall to protect himself from any attack.

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