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The bright morning sun beamed in my face, I grunt annoyingly, shutting my eyes tight, and flipping over. I feel one of my large pillows beside me and throw my arm over nestling against it.

That's weird... since when did my pillow smell like...

I open my eyes just a little and instead of seeing my pillow, I see Riven sleeping peacefully beside me. My eyes shoot open and I immediately scream at the top of my lungs kicking Riven off the bed!

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Riven shouts as he lands on the floor with a loud thump. "What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" I shout crawling over to the side of the bed looking down at him. "How on earth did you end up in my room, in my bed?!"

"Jheeze, you're not the brightest lightbulb are you?" he said pushing himself off of the floor and stands in front of me. "Why don't you take a look around instead of acting like a crazy person."

I stare at him confused and begin to slowly look around.

He was right, this wasn't my apartment. Everything was wrong, none of these things were mine.

I stand up on the bed and begin screaming at the top of my lungs. Riven looks at me with shock, grabbing my legs he throws me back down on the bed and covers my mouth with his hand.

"Would you stop or at least shut up," he said annoyed. "We might not have neighbors beside us, but there are people who live underneath!"

I shove him off of me and glare.

"Then why don't you start talking, what happened last night?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "The last thing I remember was us talking, we had a couple of drinks and then-"

"Oh no, no, no, no" I begin to panic. "We didn't... you know?"

Riven's eyes widen.

"NO! Absolutely not!" he shouts standing up with fear. "I would remember something like that, and besides we aren't you know... naked?"

He looks at me with a smirk and i look down to realize that we're still wearing the clothes from last night.

He was right, but then why was last night still such a blur to me?

I look back over at Riven and see him walk over to the small couch in his bedroom. He picks up an empty bottle of tequila and waves it in the air.

"I think I found our problem solver from last night", he says with a chuckle. "At least we had a good time right?"

"A good time?!" I shout angrily. "We have no idea what happened!"

"Very true," he says sitting beside me on the bed. "Neither of us are dead, which means we got along pretty well, right?"

I roll my eyes.

"You're really something else," I scoff.

Riven places one hand beside me and leans in close, my heart began to race.

"A good something I hope?" he whispers.

This felt familiar. I shake my head and push him away!

"No, a annoying something is more of what I'm thinking," I climb off the bed and look around for my stuff. "I need to get back to my place before my aunt shows up and starts questioning me."

"Why don't you just tell her you spent the night here?"

"Are you nuts?" I throw a shirt at him. "She'll have your head on a stick!"

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