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Alisha and Riven stood behind me looking over at Kai, Alisha wore a stunning short red dress and matching heels. She looked flawless as always however, my eyes were immediately glued on Riven. He had changed from his usual suit and tie look to something much more relax and casual. He wore a black leather jacket, white t-shirt, and dark blue jeans, his hair was a bit messier than usual almost as if he just woke up but in a sexy way.

"Hey there's my baby," Kai says happily looking over to Alisha. "I thought you had work to do, what are you doing here?"

"This is my work Kai," she says coldly. "Are you forgetting I own half this place too?"

"Of course not," Kai smirks. "But last time I checked you said you didn't want to see me, and yet you came here knowing very well I'd be here."

Alisha's eyes widen as she's caught in her lie, she immediately looks away shutting her eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh.

"Yes well, my job comes first."

Kai walks over to her, he turns her face and fixes her hair. She looked at Kai and her eyes went from ice cold to... in love.

"You look beautiful, as always," he said smiling at her. "I didn't know you dressed like this for business? Or were you jealous I asked Violet to join me tonight?"

"Of course I wasn't jealous!" she shouts. "But I should be the only person you ask out, broken up or not... are we clear?"

"Very clear," Kai laughs as he pulls her in for a hug. They really were in love with each other and the mode instantly changed as the both of them smiled, I couldn't help but smile at their happiness and I was so distracted that I hadn't realized he was standing beside me.

"I guess it was only a matter of time till they made up," Riven says as he takes the drink from the bartender and hands me my glass of wine. "I assume this is yours?"

"Oh, um thank you," I say sheepishly. "I thought you had work to finish?"

"I do, but apparently my sister thought me being here was more important," Riven says as he takes a sip of his drink. "I swear their relationship is just a rollercoaster ride, and everyone gets dragged in."

He pauses.

"Even you." he sighs. "You're always being dragged into my family's problems when you have your own life to live, I can't help but feel responsible."

"That's not true," I smile softly looking down at my glass. "I think I put myself into your family's business, it was one thing for us to living beside each other but working together and constantly being seen together, well that may have given off the wrong impression."

"Violet you didn't-"

"It's amazing, isn't it? People always say love is a beautiful thing and that it should be cherished," I cut off Riven. "But it seems that the people who do always end up getting hurt in the end."

I look up and see Kai and Alisha out on the dance floor enjoying a slow song together. Seeing them so happy brought tears to my eyes, it had reminded me of when dad would dance with mom and I would sit and watch them be in love.

"My parents were in love like that, they looked so perfect and happy. I always said that I wanted a relationship like that, I wanted to feel love that was so precious," I brush my hand over my face. "But then I saw first hand how my own father betrayed that love, how he betrayed my mother... I've denied that idea of love even exists. I was stupid not to see your pain and fear Riven, we went through two different situations but felt the same."

"Actually, we went through the same situation too," Riven says looking out to the dance floor. "But I think we should talk about this more privately."

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